Tag Archives: Theresa May

Brexit: The Pretentious Supreme Bar Members rule on “Prorogation”

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom rules on the lawfulness or not of prorogation – the suspension of parliament.

Essentially the argument of the remainers is that the “intention” was dishonest or the “effect” caused harm.

If the BAR members retrospectively decide on an “unlawful” act, can we revisit the frauds and crimes of the financial priests in the 2008 financial crisis.

If a crime was NOT committed, the motivations or effects are irrelevant. Are the  motivations or end result relevant in any legal proceedings if the court has no jurisdiction?

On this singular point we can judge the integrity of the UK’s judicial system regarding this issue.

The BAR members are in a pickle. Will they open this can of worms? How many UK prime ministers have lied to the Queen in receiving her approval for new legislation or executive actions?

@9:34 GMT 24/09/19

BREXIT: EU Election Analysis by Prof John Curtice on the BBC

Prof [Sir] John Curtice provides a nugget of insight into the Conservative (blue) gang’s predicament.

On the result:

“so I think the honest truth is that neither side can claim on the base of these results that voters have sent a clear signal… extreme options of leaving without a deal and having a second referendum as the polls are suggesting two most popular options”

On Conservative Party options:

“brexit vote is not going to disappear unless and until the Conservatives deliver brexit …next Tory Prime Minister is probably going to have to try to work out a way of delivering brexit within the arithmetic of the current House of Commons because the option of going to the country …was unlikely to look very attractive”

In others words the blue gang will be decimated if they dare initiate a general election before Brexit is resolved! The blue gang members therefore have two options capitulate to the EU and a lookalike May deal or go for the “hard/WTO” Brexit!

What will it be? In, out, half out, half in? And you shake it all about , you do the hokey pokey,  you turn yourself around that’s what we’re all about. Forgive my humour, I could not resist it.

Walter Hallstein: Nazi Legalese practitioner and founding father of the E.U.

The “honourable” gang members of parliament are back from their Easter break, so we need to remind ourselves of the nature of the EU superstate and why their supplicant behaviour is treacherous.

Walter Hallstein was a German academic, diplomat, and politician. He was the first president of the Commission of the European Economic Community and one of the founding fathers of the European Union. – wikipedia

Walter_Hallstein-Nazi 1st president of the EU

Walter was a member of many leading Nazi organizations the most significant of
which were the National Socialists university lecturers association and the National
Socialist League for protection of the law.
These organizations cater to committed members of the Nazi Party – officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party

Furthermore we have Walter’s ‘Conquest Speech’ given in Rostock, Germany, on 23 January 1939, of which I have some excerpts:

“The Creation of the Greater German Reich is:
A political fact, a ‘Fuehrer Act’ of Epochal Dimension;
One of those Acts that change the Landscape of History and fulfill an old Longing of the People;
An Economic Event of sheer unimaginable consequences;
An event of exceptional significance from the perspective of the History of the Law.”

“The failure to put this law into action is one of the unfinished tasks and failures of the Second German Reich.”

“The Law for the Protection of the German Blood and the German Honor

More can be found in the book The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU

As we describe in our book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, the key architects of the so-called ‘European Union’ were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WW2 Europe under the control of the Nazi/IG Farben coalition. Based on literally tens of thousands of historical documents obtained by our Foundation from international archives, the growing global awareness of the facts means that the Brussels EU “experiment” is effectively now over


Brexit: Jason Hunter the Hypocritical Psycopathic Remainer!

I came across one of Jason Hunter’s youtube videos. It did challenge my ideas on a no deal Brexit. I was initially keen to delve deeper into what he had to say but this particular talk on youtube showed clearly what we a dealing with: A psychopathic, smug, hypocritical EUphile.

Firstly, Jason does point out factually the pitiful inadequacy of the Rt Hon Theresa May’s cabinet and the civil service regarding Brexit. On this I have to agree with him.
The facts or allusions to them cannot be denied. There are hundreds of treaties which must be recreated. Jason mentions 750.
Jason Hunter makes no pretense at being impartial, neither do I. He wants the referendum result revoked due to fraud by leave campaigners. He even throws in Russian collusion via social media bots.
What nonsense. Any criticism of the west is classed as Russian collusion. Are the Russians persecuting Lyn Thyer or David Noakes for making GcMaf or mandating vaccines?
Back to this hypocrite, Jason Hunter. Let us use his own words to expose his motivations and psychopathy or not:

Let us contrast two statements Jason makes in this video. Concern for people losing their jobs, incomes.

“jobs, is jobs, is jobs, its not, its households. It’s people. Real people lives, real people incomes, real peoples mortgage payments, that’s what we’re talking about”

Versus, what he did for a large steel company

“For several years, I was head of strategic planning for a very large steel company and we’d pick another country’s industry, say an automotive and we want to sell them flat steel…
once we’ve destroyed that competitor, we have that market all to ourselves for the next 5, 10, 15 years…”

He was not concerned about “people’s” jobs or incomes when his steel employer destroyed their competitor however due to Brexit he is concerned for destroyed jobs and companies.
He accepts capital’s exploitative predation and psychopathy when they(he) is the predator but not when he or the UK are victims of that same predation.


“The EU are pulling their hair out, we’ve got back channels over there, we talk to them regularly”


“We’ve talked with some of the leading drug manufacturers here in the UK, we talked with GlaxoSmithKline, talked to AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson…the big four if you like and they consult with the government”

– GlaxoSmithKline (make Cervarix HPV vaccine)
– AstraZeneca UK (make Fluenz Tetra flu vaccine)
– Johnson & Johnson (researching HIV/Ebola vaccines)

He has back-channels to the EU that openly disclose confidential activity between UK government ministers and the EU. It clearly show a strange level of intimacy to my mind. From what I gather, he has negotiated “trade deals” for companies NOT nation-states, so why does he have this degree of intimate access to Brussels and pharma?

The real deceit by this man, as he positions it as a rational choice, is to “pause” Brexit by revoking Article 50! I say it is a deceit because he must know once Brexit is stopped by revoking the divorce document (article 50), the political will for Brexit evaporates. Neither party will ever initiate the Brexit process ever again!. Real Brexiteers are in the minority in parlimanent.

Jason Hunter is still worth listening to for a dose of Brexit reality. However are his views consistent with someone truly concerned for liberty, “democracy”, or rejection of capital’s priests/oligarchs and their psychopathy?

Brexit and the Queen

The Queen has via Royal assent signed off previous EU treaties. She will be called on to sign legislation concerning Brexit, like the Brexit In Name Only (BRINO) Withdrawal Agreement.

Commonwealth Walkway project
The question for the Royalists, is at what point does the silence of the Queen and the royal family become a betrayal of the people of the United Kingdom?
Ignorance is not a viable excuse. She has access to the best legal minds, even the current Attorney General, silver tongued liar Geoffrey Cox QC, Rt Hon MP.

The Queen’s Coronation Oath 1953:

Archbishop. Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?

Queen. I solemnly promise so to do.

Archbishop. Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?

Queen. I will.

Archbishop. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

Queen. All this I promise to do.

Sidenote: The reader will note the emphasis the Protestant church has on its interests not the people, they are cursory. Nonetheless, it mentions government, to which I would interpret as house of commons and lords. These will be subservient under the EU.

The EU (United States of Europe) Project from the mouths of EUphiles

Let us revisit why we reject the EU globalist/corporatist project. We can have free trade areas and agreements without the shite of the superstate.

Click to access 14%20point%20summary.pdf

“The EU Constitution is the birth certificate of the United States of Europe.”

– German Minister for Europe Hans Martin Bury, Die Welt, 25-2-2005

“The Constitution is the capstone of a European Federal State.”

Guy Verhofstadt, Belgian Prime Minister, Financial Times, 21-6-2004

“Our Constitution cannot be reduced to a mere treaty for co-operation between governments. Anyone who has not yet grasped this fact deserves to wear the dunce’s cap.”

Valery Giscard-d’Estaing, President of the EU Convention, Speech in Aachen accepting the Charlemagne Prize for European integration, 29-5-2003

“It wasn’t worth creating a negative commotion with the British. I rewrote my text with the word federal replaced by communautaire, which means exactly the same thing.”

Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Wall Street Journal Europe, 7-7-2003

“We know that nine out of ten people will not have read the Constitution and will vote on the basis of what politicians and journalists say. More than that, if the answer is No, the vote will probably have to be done again, because it absolutely has to be Yes.”

Jean-Luc Dehaene, Former Belgian Prime Minister and Vice-President of the EU Convention,Irish Times, 2-6-2004

“In Europe one needs to act ‘as if’ – as if what was wanted was little, in order to obtain much, as if States were to remain sovereign to convince them to concede sovereignty … The Commission in Brussels, for example, should act as if it were a technical instrument, in order to be able to be treated as a government. And so on by disguise and subterfuge”

Giuliano Amato, Italian Prime Minister and later Vice-President of the EU Convention which drafted the Constitution, interview with Barbara Spinelli, La Stampa, 13-7-2000

“The Convention brought together a self-selected group of the European political elite, many of whom have their eyes on a career at a European level, which is dependent on more and more integration, and who see national parliaments and governments as an obstacle … Not once in the sixteen months I spent on the Convention did representatives question whether deeper integration is what the people of Europe want, whether it serves their best interests or whether it provides the best basis for a sustainable structure for an expanding Union. The debates focused solely on where we could do more at European Union level … None of the existing policies were questioned … Consensus was achieved among those who were deemed to matter and those deemed to matter made it plain that the rest would not be allowed to wreck the final agreement.”

– Gisela Stuart MP, British Labour Party representative on the EU Convention and member of its Praesidium which drafted the Constitution, The Making of Europe’s Constitution, Fabian Society, London, 2003

“Creating a single European State bound by one European Constitution is the decisive task of our time.”

– German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, Daily Telegraph, 27-12-1998
Note: It is worth reminding ourselves that Nazis in Germany were supported outside Germany, notable the United States. WRH: All Wars are Bankers’s Wars!

Our generation might struggle to comprehend how Ford, IBM, Coca-cola, IG Farben, Standard Oil and other companies traded with the Nazis. We can see an inkling of their motivations or reasoning in the remainer argument when they prioritize their paycheck/jobs/investments over the principle of individual and national sovereignty.
Which is better, a well-paid corporatist slave/lackey or a freer albeit “financially” poorer individual?.

That is the crux of the reason to leave the EU. Liberty vs Statistism/corporatism!

Brexit “Exit Day” delayed!

EU Exit Day Amendment
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Exit Day) (Amendment) Regulations 2019

EU Exit Day Amendment 27-03-2019
439 UK MPs voted to change the day we leave the EU from 11pm 29th March 2019 to 12 April or 22 May 2019.
The Amendment also passed the Lords. We now have alignment between EU Decree (EUROPEAN COUNCIL DECISION (EU) 2019/476) and local UK law.

The “Right Honourable” (sic inversion) Theresa May has offered to resign after she has passed her deal. Let me rephrase that, she has offered to leave after forever binding the UK as a vassal state to the United States of Europe. Other bloggers on this platform have posted material on the origins of the EU. A link had the following appropriate excerpt:

The head of the Ford Foundation, ex-OSS officer Paul Hoffman, doubled as head of ACUE in the late Fifties. The State Department also played a role. A memo from the European section, dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by stealth.

It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which “adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable”.

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs

I see commonality in this behaviour with the vaccine debate and zionism. Suppress debate until the end goal is inescapable.

The most rational course of action if these “honourable” parliamentarians were being true to the “democratic principles” would be to go for a No Deal Brexit, to test public support for the inflicted pain that maybe a consequence.
The procrastination, delays, political, legal, rhetorical maneuvers to avoid the result of the referendum have been revealing.
If the result had gone in favour of the EU (remaining within it), we would have seen a swift and timely conclusion to this affair.

These proceedings have been a litmus test for every UK Member of Parliament. We have seen Europhile MPs – informed, willing or ignorant – of all genders, races and regions (England, Wales, Scotland, N.Ireland).
It is a repugnant sight, to see the sophistry needed to refute the will of 17.4M people, who desired a break from the European Union.

We can forgive the ignorant MPs, they can be classed as incompetent. They supported the EU without understanding its true nature and desired end goal.
Our enmity must be focused on those informed and aware MPs, Ministers, civil servants and media personnel that engaged in the required deceits in support of the EU project. Once ignorance is ruled out, we have only “guilty mind”. Willing accomplices, willing betrayal!
We have their voting records and their public rhetoric. Will this be the tipping point for a reckoning of the pretentious political class?

How did your MP vote?


UK Withdrawal from the European Union — Delay Withdrawal if MPs Agree Withdrawal Agreement — 14 Mar 2019 at 17:00

Party Summary
What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.

Party Majority (Aye) Minority (No) Both Turnout
Con 111 (+2 tell) 187 (+2 tell) 1 96.5%
DUP 0 10 0 100.0%
Green 1 0 0 100.0%
Independent 13 1 0 70.0%
Lab 237 3 0 97.6%
LDem 11 0 0 100.0%
PC 4 0 0 100.0%
SNP 35 0 0 100.0%
Total: 412 201 1 96.4%

The majority of Labour, Independents,  Liberal Democrats and Scottish Nationalist Party voted for a delay. So we have 412 “honourable” and informed members of Parliament voting for a delay versus 201 voting against.

Based on these numbers, the Europhilic MPs have enough numbers to push through the votes to change the law concerning the default exit day of 29th march 2019.

Treacherous europhiles! Labour…protecting the working class corporations and the EU superstate?

10,000 troops from 13 countries arrive in the UK for major exercise

Published 14 March 2019

The UK will boost its defensive capabilities by hosting a major international military exercise for two weeks from 30 March 2019.
More than 10,000 military personnel, 35 warships, 5 submarines and 59 aircraft and helicopters from 13 countries will take part in Exercise Joint Warrior until 11 April.

The aim of Joint Warrior is to allow the UK’s Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and their allies to conduct joint operations involving different forces and units and against a range of current and future threats

There following nations are taking part in Exercise Joint Warrior: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK and the US.

Operation Yellowhammer

“On operation yellowhammer, which is the emergency planning for a no-deal Brexit, it is beyond comprehension that any Prime Minister could knowingly allow the country to be eight days—about 200 hours—away from the possibility of crashing out of the European Union without a deal and to require that emergency planning work to be done”

The First Minister (Nicola Sturgeon) on Yellowhammer

The question I have is: Why commit 10,000 troops during a key period of political change?

We should be leaving the EU at 11pm on Friday 29th and yet we have 10,000 troops in an exercise (cover) from 30th March to 11th April (two weeks)! As UK column pointed out, best to have foreign troops if you need to forcefully crack down on UK populace.

Would you want foreign troops diverting military resources during your contingency planning? Incompetence, over-confidence or worst case planning for unrest?

Theresa May’s “fake Brexit” – the alternatives are far less damaging

Theresa May’s deal remains “fake Brexit” – the alternatives are far less damaging

“If the deal goes through, the next day we will not have left the EU in anything but name. For at least 21 months of “transition” – extendable up to four years – we will have to obey the EU’s laws and rules, and be subject to the Commission and the ECJ as now. The big difference is that we will no longer have a vote or voice in the EU institutions. So no vote or veto against EU law changes which damage the City, or against the Commission’s use of State Aid controls to suppress our competitiveness.

The Brexit process will not be “over”, or “done and dusted” by signing the deal. Those 21 months – or longer – will be filled with the turmoil of ongoing negotiations about our future relationship. We will be negotiating against a real “cliff edge” at the end of the transition – unlike the largely mythical and Project Fear 3.0 “cliff edge” we face now. If we do not submit to the detailed terms offered by the EU for our long-term relationship, we will automatically fall over the cliff edge into the backstop Protocol.”

The deal does not deliver Brexit except in name. Not only does in not deliver Brexit, it also makes it impossible for a future Prime Minister to deliver a real Brexit as well, for many years to come or indefinitely. The momentary relief from some Leave supporters at nominally leaving the EU is sure to turn to anger, disillusionment and blame when it becomes clearer and clearer that Brexit has not been delivered, and that the Conservative Party in particular – including the Brexiteers – has failed to deliver real Brexit and has delivered a locked-in fake Brexit instead.”

See also: Where in the deal are the big problems?

The reader will note the clarity within these articles and previous posts is absent from BBC/Sky reporting in the UK. Confusion, obfuscation and anti-brexit sentiment abound.