Tag Archives: IMF

Nation of Nubia declares “COVID-19 Pandemic” a Crime Against Humanity

This fictional work, sees Piankhi Taharqa declare the withdrawal of the Nubian Nation from the United Nations, World Health Organisation, IMF and World Bank. The Nubian spokesperson goes on to declare their justifications

Western Liars and their “Chemical Weapons” deceit

The Right Honorable Theresa May and Boris Johnson did not provide their evidence for the nerve agent debacle in Salisbury, near Porto Down. It was in line with previous lies about Russian interference in elections.  The new lie, is that Bashar al-Assad’s government used chemical weapons.

Does Assad benefit from using chemical weapons knowing the West will use it as justification for further intervention?  No!

Will the US/UK/Israel/NATO stage “violent acts” to further an agenda? Yes is the answer! The most brazen being 911. We have seen multiple staged events in the UK  and European mainland since then.

Lies and deceit amongst the corporate, political and military leadership in the West can be taken as axiomatic. To profess a value whilst doing the exact opposite. What did we see in the movie Black Panther? An advanced nation sharing its technology and seeking to correct historical mistakes. A direct inversion of the reality of the US, UK, Australia and NATO members.

We can take the West’s humanitarian concern for chemical weapons use, as purely a ploy, a deceit to further their and Israel’s agenda. It is a transparent deceit once you know the “western leadership” cadre are pretentious concerning the “rule of law”.

We know the West (including Israel)  has the inclination, history and motive to stage “terrorists acts” that further their supremacy, so claiming a chemical attack happened is a convenient excuse to coerce public support and project a false moral concern for Syrian citizens.

Reader you will recall the US used Depleted Uranium armaments in Iraq. A hazard to both its own troops and the local population. Does the long term “chemical poisoning” of the land and air by DU weapons concern these Western hypocrites? How about Israel’s continued brutish and genocidal behavior in Gaza? How has intervention and regime change worked out in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya?

I have a few questions whenever I hear about these “humanitarian interventions”: How are these leaders concerned for their own citizens? What are the social conditions for the working class? Does the “humanitarian intervention” provide cover for corporate or geopolitical interests?

The Rt Hon. Theresa May and Boris Johnson fail miserably concerning the well being of the working class and poor in the UK. A festering example?  Nine months after the fire, only 70 of 211 Grenfell families have moved into permanent housing, prompting complaints of apathy and incompetence by the local council

Ministers will face a backlash against reform to the benefits system when millions of claimants moving on to universal credit realise their income will be cut, the government’s most senior welfare adviser has warned

Do we need to comment on how well the bottom 50% of Americans are doing? How about the EU’s concern for its southern members like Greece? How about Israel’s humanitarian concern of the previous dominant inhabitants of Palestine?

We are dealing with proven liars in Trump, May, Macron and Johnson. Believe them at you own peril. It is your fault for accepting their continued deceits.

Here is a further motive: Under the pretense of an “independent” investigation into chemical weapons, intelligence workers pick military sites of interests for “close examination”. Russia has been a victim of this ploy once before. You also have to ask which countries have the expertise to lead this panel of “independent” investigators? Are these not the same countries accusing Syria?

Please dear reader, identify a single country with a proven track record of independence from western ideological supremacy? I cannot name one, so to my mind what is the basis of the “independent” investigation?

Let us state the “international community” is simply a euphemism for coerced western consensus. This blogger asserts that the UN, WHO, World Bank, NATO, BIS are mechanisms of western mind control* and exploitation.

* Yes! Mind control.They have created a fake reality that these bodies are fair, neutral, independent but actually hide very partisan/corporate interests. Let us elaborate on these mind control institutions:
UN – Deceit of international political/diplomatic governance
WHO  – Western hegemony on what constitutes accepted medical practices
NATO -Public face of US lead global military dominance.
BIS/World Bank/IMF – Mechanism global financial control and authority

France: Official Election figures


I – Participation aux scrutins (périmètre : France entière)

Nombre % des inscrits (Of registrants) % des votants (% Of voters)
Inscrits (registered) 47 568 588
Abstention 12 101 416 25,44%
Votants 35 467 172 74,56%
Blancs (Blank)
3 019 724 6,35% 8,51%
Nuls 1 049 532 2,21% 2,96%
Exprimés 31 397 916 66,01% 88,53%

II – Résultats complets (périmètre : France entière) :

Candidats Voix
Nombre % des inscritsv (
% Of registrants)
% des exprimés
M. Emmanuel MACRON 20 753 798 43,63% 66,10%
Mme Marine LE PEN 10 644 118 22,38% 33,90%
Total 31 397 916 100% 100%

Note: I wanted the actual percentage relative to cast votes and potential votes, not just the votes cast for Macron or Le Pen. So Le Pen and Macron accounted for 66.01% of  registered voters. So ex-rothschild bankster, Globalist, EUphile, faux leftist or centrist Macron can claim 43.6% (20.7 million) of France’s registered voters! Only 8.5% (4 million)  blank/void votes?

How many people in a given population have given thought to the actual mechanics of their electoral process? How many know weaknesses or points of subversion? I am amongst the ignorant however is it not surprising that the press DO NOT educate/inform the populace about the actual mechanics of the process, the boring detail? Is that not responsible citizenship?
In the UK, pencils are used to record votes. The US has electronic voting machines (a fraudsters wet dream).

Unaccountable Bank of International Settlements

Note: We have in the Bank of International Settlements, a body used to hide the transfer of funds from the US and UK to “Nazi” Germany. It cannot be scrutinized by any nation state but holds enormous influence over nations.
In that light India’s demonetization, the drive to cashless economies, demonizing China and Russia, all benefit the financiers and war profiteers.
Oh, almost forgot Bill ‘vaccine pusher’ Gates would love cashless. Does he comprehend the geopolitical deceits? Do you think a billionaire pushing vaccines, over-population, climate change and having direct access to national leaders does not comprehend the deceits? Microsoft was built on deceits!

A new currency: Rice Notes!

The indian statists have decided that some special paper is bad. 500 and 1000 rupees currency paper is no longer an acceptable token of exchange. Billy Gates of B.M.G.F., yes vaccine pusher Billy, agrees that digital money will solve the corruption and poverty of the unbanked. However the indians have identified a local, tangible and life sustaining alternative to e-money that needs no batteries and technology from technocrats like Billy boy Gates.

Rice. Rice as the means of exchanging value. A token of exchange.

Based on this we create an open and public repository of rice of different weights. 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 0.5kg, 0.25kg. We can exchange rice notes of different weights knowing fully well that it is redeemable for the exact weights in rice.

The public rice repository’s records and physical rice are open to viewing by the public. If a discrepancy should occur between the records and the physical rice, the custodians will face a public penalty for fraud, incompetence and theft! All existing Rice Notes become immediately redeemable and voided for further use.

After the audit, we start again. The rice notes will make it clear to everyone the interchangeable nature of our tokens of exchange and its reliance on honour (trust).

Think the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, B.I.S., Bank of England can compete with this clear as day expression of money as a token of exchange?

Nope, they can’t. The current banksters love their national and supra-national immunities  from public accountability.

Everyone can comprehend Rice Notes. It requries no batteries, no e-wallets, no readers. no phones. The owner is gauranteed the denominated weight in rice, which they can always eat should the need arise.

There is one fly in the ointment though, some dodgy company by the name of Monsanto will demand that Golden rice be accepted into our public rice repository and that it should be valued higher that normal rice due to its Golden colour. We will have to resist this corporate demand even if we are seduced by the golden colour of their rice.

Note: Just in case the BBC or CNN decide this is fake news, I am declaring it is satire, a piss-take of Indian statists and Bill Gates.

Trust and the Concept of Money

If I was diagnosed with an illness, my willingness to accept the diagnosis and treatment would depend on my level of trust of the physician. I would not have surgery, take dangerous medication unless I had confidence in the competency and integrity of the specialist

Imagine a specialist that allows our modern society to avoid barter as our means of exchanging value. We could pick any token for this unit of value: cowry shells, rose petals, salt, ground ivory, bits of metal, or pieces of special paper.
The group that controls that unit of exchange must have the confidence of the population using it. However what happens when that said group is now the source of the injustices in the world?

What makes the situation even more untenable is that this group – let’s call them bankers – have special clubs that refuse to allow public scrutiny. They demand immunity from investigation and also insist on our trust in the control and creation of the units of exchange: dollars, pounds, cowry shells, bits on a screen.
The customers of these bankers that create and manage our units of exchange, begin to wonder how they got so much of it. How did these groups amass so many cowry shells, or bits of metal or even piles of paper? They begin to wonder when this convenient tool of exchange was subverted

If you found a piece of land abundant in cowry shells, shiny stones, bits of yellow metal or could make piles of special paper, you would have a massive “store” of these units of exchange. This would give you a powerful influence in what work was done.

What happens when we see clearly that the cowry shells, piles of paper, shiny stones, byte-coins, bits of metals are just replaceable but convenient tools. We have all agreed to the mind-trap, we can all agree to reject the provenly fraudulent and corrupt “bankster” specialist.

You could focus your “stored” units of exchange on weapons manufacturing, building a militia, funding a priest class to obfuscate reality, surveillance systems, social rules enforced by policy enforcers, etc.

Integrity is therefore key to trust in any unit of exchange. The more intangible the unit of exchange the more integrity matters.
That our units of exchange, money is managed by a corrupt, psycopathic group that is indifferent to social consequences and refuses to submit to social scrutiny is becoming clear to more people. Why are the Federal Reserve and Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S.) immune from lawful and legal scrutiny? Have they not been accomplices in multiple financial deceits and frauds? If they had been rigorous in expunging the blatant frauds, their trust level would be higher.

The banksters, amoral, psychopathic, desire ever increasing units of exchange. What happens when we refuse to accept their scam? What happens when we see clearly that the cowry shells, piles of paper, shiny stones, byte-coins, bits of metals are just replaceable but convenient tools. We have all agreed to the mind-trap, we can all agree to reject the provenly fraudulent and corrupt “bankster” specialist.

What unit of exchange do you believe in? What is in your pocket?

Former Senior Aide To FOUR Presidents Outlines How And Why The Elites Want To Ban Cash

The Globalist fraudsters (Banksters) want 100% visibility of our transactions. Interesting how one-sided the transparency is, huh?
Billions and Trillions out of thin air, masked in obfuscating techno-babble to hide the frauds!

…Portugal’s anti-euro Left banned from power


Anibal Cavaco Silva, Portugal’s constitutional president, has refused to appoint a Left-wing coalition government even though it secured an absolute majority in the Portuguese parliament and won a mandate to smash the austerity regime bequeathed by the EU-IMF Troika.

He deemed it too risky to let the Left Bloc or the Communists come close to power, insisting that conservatives should soldier on as a minority in order to satisfy Brussels and appease foreign financial markets. Democracy must take second place to the higher imperative of euro rules and membership.

“In 40 years of democracy, no government in Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces, that is to say forces that campaigned to abrogate the Lisbon Treaty, the Fiscal Compact, the Growth and Stability Pact, as well as to dismantle monetary union and take Portugal out of the euro, in addition to wanting the dissolution of NATO,” said Mr Cavaco Silva.

Note: The west as exporters of democracy by force will not allow a democratic majority in Portugal to reject its top down NATO, EU bankster/globalist friendly directives.

How amusing. It is only a democracy if the plebs vote as planned!

This has implications for the propaganda of western humanitarian interventions for Ebola, terrorism, climate change and the global legal frauds of TPP/TTIP.

1968: The little case that threatened the entire Banking system


There are two basic types of control systems. Overt systems, meaning openly with force or threats, and covert systems, enforced, by way of disguise or in secret. In an OVERT system of control, the people CAN SEE the force used to keep them down, like in North Korea. Therefore they KNOW that the legal system is rigged against them. In a covert system the people are tricked into imagining they are in control and that therefore the legal system is “fair”. That is the key difference.

Our system is a covert system. Therefore the ENTIRE system relies upon the people believing that they are in charge of the system, that the system works for them and that it is fair.

One of the most difficult concepts for people to grasp and accept is that the legal system is not there to dispense justice. It is there to control you under the GUISE that it is there to dispense justice.

The only obstacle that any covert system faces, such as ours, is making sure the people don’t find out the TRUTH about the system. Like the truth that this case exposes.

RT: “Boom Bust” Greece gets a new deadline

Reggie Middleton – CEO of Veritaseum

“if I was an advisor to Greece, what I would do is prepare for total default and save as much money…to attempt to rebuild the country

If Greece where to pull out of the Eurozone…and if they succeed anyway near the level of Iceland then the EU project is done”

Note: Thanks Reggie for the clear analysis.
So Alexis Tsipras do you want to keep delaying the default on the unpayable debt or start over again?
The circus is over Alexis, your people gave you a mandate, NO MORE AUSTERITY. So if you are really about the Greek people, Grexit is the way out with all the venom from the money junkies that will result!
We now have a very simple measure of your honesty – carry on tinkering with austerity or take the path to painful freedom! We have the measure, let’s see: hero or traitor? Its your call Alexis Tsipras and co!