Tag Archives: Anti-fertility

The government’s war on humanity: DEPOPULATION is here!

Published on Nov 5, 2015
The government’s war on humanity is here! Instead of encouraging population growth and expansion, the governments of the world are now actively trying to DEPOPULATE the planet of humans.

The Ultimate Agenda of The Medical Cartel

Published on 20 Mar 2012
Journalist and author Jon Rappoport mans the Austin command center today…
Rappoport has written about the globalist cartel, medical fraud, deep politics, and health issues. He is the author of several books, including: The Secret Behind Secret Societies : Liberation of the Planet in the 21st Century and Oklahoma City Bombing: The Suppressed Truth. Rappoport is presently vice-president of the publishing house Truth Seeker Company, Inc.

How Anti-Vaxxers Sound to Normal People

Note: Amusing video but not as amusing as Monsanto’s PR man Patrick Moore refusing a drink of Glyphosate

GMO man refuses to drink glyphosate

Rima E. Laibow: “Vaccines Are A Complete Fraud. Don’t Poison Your Child!”

Note: Rima, after posting that cultural analysis, I had “cowpox” myself with a booster shot of your factual critique of vaccines.

WHO Glyphosate Report Ends Thirty Year Cancer Cover Up

WHO Glyphosate Report Ends Thirty Year Cancer Cover Up – See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2015/03/who-glyphosate-report-ends-thirty-year.html#

It is now 2015 and WHO has put glyphosate’s cancer causing ability back in the spotlight. The question is who is to blame for this shocking lack of protection for public health? The answer is the U.S. government, who have pushed glyphosate around the World as part of their campaign to support the U.S. biotech industry in their attempt to dominate global agriculture.

The thirty-year glyphosate cancer cover up will go down in history as yet another failure, by the U.S. government, the EPA and worldwide regulators, to put the health of the general public before the need to protect and expand company profits. – See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2015/03/who-glyphosate-report-ends-thirty-year.html#sthash.gPuwqAAP.NEiFg4OU.dpuf

Note: It is simple! A group of human beings using violence and lies (fraud), seek dominance over other humans. By what right?

Divine right? Busted does not work. What God said you could lie, cheat, poison and kill for social dominance?

There is NO God, its all an accident, chance, evolution? Still does not work. Since they are carbon based beings like you, they have no more right to tell you what to do and hence have no authority to use lies, poisons or murder (war).

So group A demands group B inject poisons their bodies, eat GMO foods, so group B emphatically says: “Why don’t you just f@#k off!”
So that leaves force and deceit as only mechanisms to maintain social dominance.

Hey Billy boy, Monsanto, Syngenta, Merck, Pfizer, GSK, have I summed it up nicely for you?

Hans Rosling’s Demographic Party Trick #1, with Bill Gates

Published on Apr 26, 2014
Explaining the global vaccination programs is NOT a party-killer! It’s a Party Trick!
Hans Rosling, an interesting academic…stating that 83% of children globally receive vaccines. Bill Gates wants to make that 100% with the added benefit this will reduce poverty. WTF! You cannot make this up?
So has poverty been eradicated in US, UK, Greece, Spain, Portugal due to vaccine coverage?

Mark Zuckerberg’s book club fights US fear of vaccination


“The science is completely clear: vaccinations work and are important for the health of everyone in our community,” Zuckerberg wrote. “This book explores the reasons why some people question vaccines, and then logically explains why the doubts are unfounded and vaccines are in fact effective and safe.”

Note: Mr Zuckerberg is either lying about vaccines efficacy and safety, ignorant despite the book he recommends or captive to a belief in the integrity of large vaccine manufacturers.

Would Mr Zuckerberg like to sponser a global “live” discussion or debate on the safety, effectiveness, record of vaccines and if there are better alternatives to this practise?

A handful of lay-people and medically educated presenters would destroy the whole vaccine mind virus.
The truth needs no law, force, bribe or inducement to stand against a criminal, profiteering and deceitful industry. Get a sample of CDC liar in chief exposed by Rob Dew of Infowars

Dr. Anne Schuchat CDC Liar

Truthstream News #3: About All Those Vaccines…

Published on Sep 6, 2014

(Truthstream Media.com) In this special double episode of Truthstream News, Aaron and Melissa take on the CDC whistleblower and MMR-autism scandal (and that’s just for starters) — exposing the lies and obfuscations that have hurt untold numbers. Recently released audio of the good doc has now been leaked where he says he would NEVER shoot his pregnant wife up with a thimerosal-containing vaccine.

It’s shameful, but that’s just the icing on the vaccine cake. The evidence that the CDC “hid the decline” of skyrocketing autism rates in connection with a vaccine is just the beginning. Did you know the government’s health agencies never even tested thimerosal, the 50% ethylmercury preservative shot into thousands of children daily for decades and still given to pregnant women in the form of a flu shot? In fact, the CDC says some vaccines given to children still contain trace amounts…

There is evidence that the chickenpox vaccine has caused more cases of shingles — a much more dangerous, painful and debilitating condition — while the HPV and flu vaccines are just the latest to put corporate profits and insider connections above human health and vaccine safety. In the “Olds,” we take a startling look at the SV40 contamination of the polio vaccine — a massive and deeply unsettling scandal of immense proportions that may have caused cancer in tens or even hundreds of millions of people!

From potentially dangerous ingredients to undisclosed Big Pharma ties and more, this episode will change the way you look at vaccine “science” and leave you with questions that the government won’t soon answer but that we need to keep asking until they do!

Thank you for viewing! Please help to spread this video and others like it within your social media reach, or please consider donating at: 


Over 100 of the UK’s leading Cancer specialists oppose the ‘Saatchi Bill’

Over 100 of the UK’s leading Cancer specialists oppose the ‘Saatchi Bill’

According to the Stop the Saatchi Bill Alliance:

  • The bill is about removing patient rights, not giving new ones.
  • It is about absolving doctors from responsibility for their actions.
  • A doctor can act without the support of their colleagues, and be protected by the bill.
  • It applies to treatment for any condition, major or minor.
  • It applies even if there is an existing effective treatment.
  • The major medical, patient and medical protection organisations oppose it.
  • It will not give us a cure for cancer.
  • It will inhibit research, not promote it.

Stop the Saatchi Bill

Who could be against a Medical Innovation Bill?

What is the Saatchi Bill?
Its proper title is the Medical Innovation Bill and was written by Lord Saatchi and his team. It seeks to promote medical innovation by dispensing with current clinical negligence law in relation to decisions to provide treatment. The Bill is well-intentioned but fundamentally flawed.

Current clinical negligence law provides redress to patients who have suffered harm as a result of treatment which would not be supported by any responsible body of medical opinion. This Bill seeks to remove that right of redress where a doctor has taken a decision to treat in what the Bill defines as a “responsible” manner, even when no other doctor would support the treatment actually given. We do not believe that depriving patients of the right of redress is the best way to promote medical innovation.

What is wrong with the Bill?