Tag Archives: EU

Meet Bill Gates – A Corbett Report – Full 4 Parts

Full 4 part series produced by James Corbett delving into Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/gates

00:00:00 – Part 1 – How Bill Gates Monopolised Global Health
00:24:06 – Part 2 – Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World
00:52:15 – Part 3 – Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
01:29:10 – Part 4 – Meet Bill Gates

Jon Rappoport: COVID: is the virus real?

by Jon Rappoport
August 10, 2020

COVID: is the virus real?

SARS-CoV-2. The woo-woo virus.

People who can think and follow a line of reasoning should have a shot at considering the questions:

Did researchers actually discover the virus?

Did their proof fall short?


If someone says that, during the full moon three weeks ago, the moon suddenly turned gold, and then a strange squadron of giants passed across it, on their way to the ocean, do you think it might be a good idea to find out whether, three weeks ago, there was a full moon? Might that be a basic starting point?

COVID: is the virus real…more

UK 26th March 2020: Covid-19 Testing


At the moment, only patients in hospital with flu-like symptoms are being routinely tested for the virus.
However, there have been calls to do more tests, especially for NHS staff and other key workers

The test being used is known as a PCR test. A swab from your throat or nose has to be taken and tested in the lab.

But scientists are also looking at tests which can check whether someone has had the disease in the past. These look for markers of immunity called antibodies in the blood.

They are faster than PCR tests, using a drop of blood on a device a bit like a pregnancy test.

This could help work out how widespread the disease has been and whether people are safe to go back to work

How does COVID-19’s (SARS-CoV-2) infection rate compare?

R0 is the basic case reproduction number.
“It’s the average number of successful transmissions per case when everyone in the population is susceptible.
While R0 is above one, case numbers would increase. If R0 equals one, case numbers are stable– on average, each case gives rise to just one more case. And when R0 is less than one, case numbers decrease. So it’s clearly important to know what R0 is. For COVID-19, because it’s caused by a new virus, SARS-CoV-2, we can assume everyone is susceptible. We can estimate R0 by looking at the average number of secondary cases per case– if we can find chains of transmission– or from looking at how cases increase in the population over time, which is known as the epidemic curve. An epidemic curve is a bar chart of cases by time.

Professor Judith Glynn

RO for COVID-19 ~ 1.5 to 4.5 (Avg 3.0)
R0 for Measles ~ 15
R0 for Chickenpox ~ 10
R0 for SARS ~ 3
R0 for Ebola ~ 2
R0 for flu ~ 1.5-3 (Avg 2.25)
Source: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Note: My focus in recent posts was to understand the numbers and keywords used by these health experts. I need to comprehend their narrative to debunk it.
As Jon Rappaport points out, the VIRUS is a convenient smokescreen for agendas and corporate ills.
As can be seen from their own experts COVID-19 “on average” is comparable to seasonal flu or SARS-1.
So we have to ask why the overbearing and excessive mechanisms of the state are being used to respond to this “pandemic”? There are multiple solutions (outcomes) for the globalist oligarchs and supranational criminals from the “covid-19 virus” scare!

I think it will be worth my time to compile the multiple outcomes that result from the bull excrement called the “Covid-19 Pandemic”

Brexit: Lord Jonathan Sumption lets the cat out of the bag on “prorogation”


“They (the justices) have simply restored on a legal basis constitutionall principles that where previously a matter of political convention…it’s the job of the supreme court to determine what the constitutional rules are?”
– Lord Jonathan Sumption

The Justices have converted “Political Convention” into precedent law. They have given themselves the power/authority to intervene in future issues between parliamentarians and the executive branch of the state.
Their  reasoning was the “extreme effect” of the prorogation. The justification was the effect of the government’s actions after the fact?

Have they now created a new principle? An act can be ruled ‘”unlawful” it it creates an “extreme effect” on society or statist mechanisms.

Here is the pretense of the Justices. Their ruling was a political choice, with political effects/ramifications. All 11 Justices were well aware of which side of the political divide their ruling would impact.

Lady Hale in her reading of their decision could have clearly stated their increased supervisory powers over the executive branch of the state.  Why? It was televised for public consumption, hence clarity and brevity are important for easy comprehension of their reasoning and ruling.

No obfuscation. A direct, overt statement of their increased powers to intervene!

Brexit: The Pretentious Supreme Bar Members rule on “Prorogation”

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom rules on the lawfulness or not of prorogation – the suspension of parliament.

Essentially the argument of the remainers is that the “intention” was dishonest or the “effect” caused harm.

If the BAR members retrospectively decide on an “unlawful” act, can we revisit the frauds and crimes of the financial priests in the 2008 financial crisis.

If a crime was NOT committed, the motivations or effects are irrelevant. Are the  motivations or end result relevant in any legal proceedings if the court has no jurisdiction?

On this singular point we can judge the integrity of the UK’s judicial system regarding this issue.

The BAR members are in a pickle. Will they open this can of worms? How many UK prime ministers have lied to the Queen in receiving her approval for new legislation or executive actions?

@9:34 GMT 24/09/19

Vitamin C and Hemorrhagic Viruses (esp Ebola) the “Official” studies

I searched pubmed the commonly used, US hosted repository  of medical studies.
search term: hemorrhagic virus and vitamin c
Outcome: 4 results
Pubmed - vitamin c and hemorraghic viruses
Only 4 results for the Vitamin C and any hemorraghic virus.
Searching specifically for Ebola returned 0 results. Nothing.

However, if we search just for vitamin c and viral infections, we get:
search term: vitamin c viral infections
Outcome: 814 results

Well, let us look at some of the results we did find:

The abstract states:
“In the experiments reported in the present communication it was found that vitamin C, both natural and synthetic preparations, had no effect on the course of experimental poliomyelitis induced by nasal instillation of the virus”

It then ends with:
“During the present investigation it was found that monkeys on a scorbutic  -vitamin C deficient – diet died of spontaneous acute infections, chiefly pneumonia and enterocolitis, while their mates receiving an adequate diet remained well…the vitamin C used in this study was shown to produce healing and calcification in the bones as well as to check the edema and hemorrhagic diathesis”
hemorrhagic diathesis – unusual susceptibility to bleed
The author Sabin AB of Laboratories of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, our favorite globalist with a keen interest in viruses.
So which it Sabin. Severe Vitamin C defiency makes you susceptible to oppurtunistic infections or the scorbutic – severe scurvy – state makes no difference? I smell duplicity.

Vitamin C: intravenous use by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners and adverse effects.
“172 practitioners administered IV vitamin C to 11,233 patients in 2006 and 8876 patients in 2008. Average dose was 28 grams every 4 days, with 22 total treatments per patient. Estimated yearly doses used (as 25 g/50 ml vials) were 318,539 in 2006 and 354,647 in 2008. Manufacturers’ yearly sales were 750,000 and 855,000 vials
…101 had side effects, mostly minor, including lethargy/fatigue in 59 patients, change in mental status in 21 patients and vein irritation/phlebitis in 6 patients.
Publications documented serious adverse events, including 2 deaths in patients known to be at risk for IV vitamin C
“High dose IV vitamin C is in unexpectedly wide use by CAM practitioners. Other than the known complications of IV vitamin C in those with renal impairment or glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, high dose intravenous vitamin C appears to be remarkably safe. Physicians should inquire about IV vitamin C use in patients with cancer, chronic, untreatable, or intractable conditions and be observant of unexpected harm, drug interactions, or benefit”

” Multiple paralytic doses of poliomyelitis virus (RMV strain), when brought together with small amounts of synthetic ascorbic acid in vitro
…the available data suggest that vitamin C treatment may be a factor in converting abortive attacks into an altogether non-paralytic infection”
You will note their words: small amount of synthetic vitamin C. Why synthetic? Why NOT use normal ascorbic acid? My guess, synthetic creations can be patented! Furthermore, the data they reviewed showed vitamin C made subjects only suffer NON-paralyic infection ie no serious or permanent consequence of infection. Truly interesting!
Can we expect funding for vitamin C and Ebola or hemorraghic virues when more profitable and officially approved vaccine solutions are available?
I will pursue this and dig deeper to find more studies on Vitamin C and hemorrhagic viruses non-pubmed sources.

BREXIT: EU Election Analysis by Prof John Curtice on the BBC

Prof [Sir] John Curtice provides a nugget of insight into the Conservative (blue) gang’s predicament.

On the result:

“so I think the honest truth is that neither side can claim on the base of these results that voters have sent a clear signal… extreme options of leaving without a deal and having a second referendum as the polls are suggesting two most popular options”

On Conservative Party options:

“brexit vote is not going to disappear unless and until the Conservatives deliver brexit …next Tory Prime Minister is probably going to have to try to work out a way of delivering brexit within the arithmetic of the current House of Commons because the option of going to the country …was unlikely to look very attractive”

In others words the blue gang will be decimated if they dare initiate a general election before Brexit is resolved! The blue gang members therefore have two options capitulate to the EU and a lookalike May deal or go for the “hard/WTO” Brexit!

What will it be? In, out, half out, half in? And you shake it all about , you do the hokey pokey,  you turn yourself around that’s what we’re all about. Forgive my humour, I could not resist it.

Who is going to run a perfect world?

Jon’s Blog has been shutdown. So I will post some of his posts I receive via email.
This article is very relevant today, as the UK votes in the European Union MEP election. The EU, a big/super state project of US/European corporatists!
 Wall Street funded the NAZIS via Bank of International Settlement (BIS). NAZI  supra-national corporartists envisioned the EU.

Most of my readers now know that my blog has been taken down by WordPress for no stated reason. We are working to restore the blog “by other means.” You’re reading this either because you’re already subscribed to my email list or someone forwarded this email to you. If you’re in the latter category, then the best way to get my daily articles is go to NoMoreFakeNews.com and sign up for the email list in the upper left corner. You’ll get articles in your inbox. Thank you for your support.

“Ah, yes. Utopia. You see perfection, i see mediocracy. You see triumph, I see surface gloss and shiny objects and moths drawn to luminous signs and symbols. You see order, I see walled-in compartments. You see community, I see the abdication of the soul.” (From my Notes on Technocratic Utopia)

In early human societies, technology was primitive, and top-down control over the population was overt and menacing.

In modern times, technology develops apart from massive political power—or it seems to.

Large numbers of people who work with technology view it as a path to perfection of civilization. Perfection equals order, organization, coordination, comfort, security, and so on. Or as one technocrat put it to me, “Everyone and everything in its proper place.”

If you don’t examine what that means, if you just take it as a surface generalization, and if you dream technology can solve all problems, the future looks rosy.

You can even flesh out details of the future. Buckminster Fuller did. He proposed that technology had reached a point where every human on Earth could be guaranteed, from birth, at no charge, the essentials of life: food, clothing, shelter, education.

There are many versions of a technocratic utopia. They all promise a collective triumph for the human species. Continue reading Who is going to run a perfect world?


Jon’s blog is the second that has been taken down/offline on WordPress in the past two weeks that I subscribe or am aware off.  I will take Jon over the western corporate media any day, we can now include tech/social media corporations in the pushing of the “official” duplicitious narratives. Was it not Jon that gave us the nugget that exposed the corporate cow-excrement that was Zika.

Interesting question, who else practised book burning? Inquisition, Nazis!

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed)

by Jon Rappoport

I say, “Dear Parents, All over the world they are injecting your children, from the day of their birth, with poisonous chemicals and germs, and they’re calling it a miracle. But it isn’t. It’s devastating.”

And then, someone somewhere behind a curtain who’s hidden his name-badge in his underpants says, “Censor that man. Cut off his expression. He has no right to say what he’s saying.”

The Soulless Ones are at it again.

Many of you now know that, last Saturday, WordPress took down my blog without warning or notice. After 10 years—boom. Gone. We are in the process of restoring the blog through “other means.” Meanwhile, my home page at NoMoreFakeNews.com is still up, and you can let others know to go there to sign up for the email list to receive my articles in their inbox on a regular basis. You can also order products at that same home page.

I strongly suspect that my articles criticizing vaccines triggered the censorship move. The justification would be: well, we must protect the health of the public and your influence could be quite negative in that regard, etc. Continue reading Jon Rappoport: THEY TOOK DOWN MY BLOG!