Tag Archives: George Soros

ZenGardner – The Psychopathy of Greed


“The entire system is built on a background of assumed scarcity, that there’s not enough to go around so unless you push and shove your way into a place where you “earn” your keep and beat those around you you’ll be hung out to dry.

Clever bastards. All while they sit at the top of the food chain devouring their prey.

What’s even more surreal is how those who “succeed” in making a lot of money are then considered authorities on any and every subject. Just look the Rockefeller family, one such clusterfuck among many, screwing their way up the capitalist ladder who then set up think tanks, foundations and whatnot to influence the course of humanity according to their whims.

What or who made them the “wise ones” to rule over us? Guess what: Endorsed greed, abject avarice and the resultant intoxicating money and power in the hands of a few.

Look at creeps like George Soros or Bill Gates and a plethora of other unelected plutocrats, inserted intellectuals and accepted moral and geopolitical authorities like the Pope, lap dog Kissinger or voice pet Brzezinski and the panorama of puppet heads of state. It’s insane. Never mind the Rothchilds, Carnegies, Morgans, the so-called royal families of Europe such as the Windsors and House of Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands, the Vatican or whomever is hoarding the really big bucks”

The government’s war on humanity: DEPOPULATION is here!

Published on Nov 5, 2015
The government’s war on humanity is here! Instead of encouraging population growth and expansion, the governments of the world are now actively trying to DEPOPULATE the planet of humans.

Bilderberg Globalist 2015

Note: Voting on Obama trade (TPP/TTIP) on the same weekend of Bilderberg meeting. Interesting!
Would have been nice to confirm the deal at your weekend meeting, huh Obama?
In the context of slavery, Obama would have been an active participant in the trade.
Knowing, active compliance in the psychopathic plans of his fellow “ruling turds”!

Globalist David Rockefeller Turns 100 YEARS OLD!

Note: Death panels, eugenics, population control for humanity but longevity for him, Billy Boy Gates, Georgie Soros and co. The evidence against your cabal of oligarchs is pretty damning.

Monstanto vs the world – How we will win the food war

Monstanto vs the world – How we will win the food war

The big idea that industrial producers in the food system want you to believe is that only they can produce enough for the future population (Peekhaus 2010). Thus non-industrial systems of farming, such as all those which use agroecological methods, or SRI, or are localised and family-oriented, or which use organic methods, or non-GMO seeds, cannot feed the world.

Note: The defunct and self serving solution of Bill Gates et al is more psyhcopathic corporatism of the food supply.

Occupy London – March Against Monsanto 24th May 2014

March Against Monsanto London (MAM) 24th May 2014

GMOs are not adequately monitored to ensure public safety. Long term, independent, peer reviewed studies were not conducted before GMOs were introduced for human or animal consumption.

In the USA, the revolving door between Monsanto employees, government positions, and regulatory authorities has led to key Monsanto figures occupying positions of power at the FDA and EPA. Monsanto has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to obstruct all labeling attempts; they also suppress any research containing results not in their favor.

The scientifically established health risks include, but are not limited to: organ damage, sterility, infant mortality, birth defects, auto-immune conditions, allergies and increased cancer risks. GMOs have been partially banned by Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Madeira, New Zealand, Peru, South America, Russia, France, Switzerland and Costa Rico, and are currently labelled in 62 countries. Despite this, factory farm animals throughout the world are still fed GMOs.


The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) lodged a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) following an advertisement on Radio 702 by Monsanto wherein Monsanto claims that GM crops are safe and sustainable.


March Against Monsanto 2015 – May 23rd 2015


“With the new admission by the World Health Organization that Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup is causing cancer worldwide, now is the most important time to join the movement and take a stand.”

Despite claims by the multinational biotech giant that genetically modified crops would actually lead to a decrease in Roundup use, U.S. Geological Survey data reveals the use of Roundup’s key component glyphosate has increased 16-fold since the mid-1990s when GMO crops were first introduced.

List of Events



May 11th ~ REJECT VACCINE TYRANNY all over the GLOBE at YOUR City Hall
Stand and Speak at YOUR City Hall. Reserve the steps now for Monday, May 11th. Speak, Hold Signage and *** WEAR A RED SHIRT *** as people all over the GLOBE will be doing. Record the proceedings and share thereafter. Contact everyone you know to activate in this regard. Inform ADULTS that they’re next.