Tag Archives: Eugenics

COVID Pandemic: A Fabricated Reality

The COVID Pandemic has been largely achieved by the falsification of the existence of a virus and the existence of a test (RT-PCR) that can detect the non-existent virus. The solution to this fabricated pandemic is a vaccine for a non-existent virus



This website is dedicated to providing detailed information about the true nature and background of the 2020 “COVID-19” alleged pandemic,. It calls for an immediate reversal of the draconian measures that have been put in place around the world. 

I have produced a detailed report (see banner and/or menu link above, or click here – a PDF version is available here), to help readers understand the history of the alleged pandemic. The report is produced from a UK-perspective (as this is the country I live in) and examines basic claims made about COVID-19 and the effects it causes. It concludes that the current measures put in place should be immediately removed, once a fair assessment of the available evidence has been undertaken.

Jon Rappoport: COVID: is the virus real?

by Jon Rappoport
August 10, 2020

COVID: is the virus real?

SARS-CoV-2. The woo-woo virus.

People who can think and follow a line of reasoning should have a shot at considering the questions:

Did researchers actually discover the virus?

Did their proof fall short?


If someone says that, during the full moon three weeks ago, the moon suddenly turned gold, and then a strange squadron of giants passed across it, on their way to the ocean, do you think it might be a good idea to find out whether, three weeks ago, there was a full moon? Might that be a basic starting point?

COVID: is the virus real…more

Twitter launches new search tool to combat vaccine misinformation

vaccine injection-norbert millauer-afp-getty
Twitter has launched a new search tool to combat the spread of misinformation about vaccines on the social network.
Users will now be prompted to visit a credible public health resource when they search on Twitter for certain keywords related to vaccines, Twitter said in a blog post Friday. In the US, Twitter has partnered with the Department of Health and Human Services to direct users to the agency’s Vaccines.gov.
A search for the word “vaccines,” for example, generates a message at the top of users’ feeds that says “To make sure you get the best information on vaccinations, resources are available from the US Department of Health & Human Services.”
The new tool comes as tech companies face mounting pressure from lawmakers, activists and health experts to prevent anti-vax misinformation from going viral. The misinformation may have contributed to an outbreak of measles in the US.
Other tech companies have also beefed up their efforts to combat misinformation about vaccines. Facebook said in March it would demote the ranking of groups or pages that spread misinformation about vaccines on its News Feed and in search results. Pinterest blocked anti-vaccination searches and has tried to pull down anti-vax content. In February, YouTube said it would remove ads from videos that feature anti-vaccination content.

Note: Do these pro-vaxxers think this will stop criticism of vaccines? Their attempts at censorship on social media (modern book burning), simply highlight their “faith” in vaccines. Real science is NEVER afraid of criticism.

Here is a question for the pro-vaxxers and their drug pushing Big Pharma corporatists: How many vaccines is too many for a child/teenager? 50 before age 16? 100 maybe? What is the upper, sustainable limit? At what number does the toxic/foreign body load become counter-productive?


Jon’s blog is the second that has been taken down/offline on WordPress in the past two weeks that I subscribe or am aware off.  I will take Jon over the western corporate media any day, we can now include tech/social media corporations in the pushing of the “official” duplicitious narratives. Was it not Jon that gave us the nugget that exposed the corporate cow-excrement that was Zika.

Interesting question, who else practised book burning? Inquisition, Nazis!

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed)

by Jon Rappoport

I say, “Dear Parents, All over the world they are injecting your children, from the day of their birth, with poisonous chemicals and germs, and they’re calling it a miracle. But it isn’t. It’s devastating.”

And then, someone somewhere behind a curtain who’s hidden his name-badge in his underpants says, “Censor that man. Cut off his expression. He has no right to say what he’s saying.”

The Soulless Ones are at it again.

Many of you now know that, last Saturday, WordPress took down my blog without warning or notice. After 10 years—boom. Gone. We are in the process of restoring the blog through “other means.” Meanwhile, my home page at NoMoreFakeNews.com is still up, and you can let others know to go there to sign up for the email list to receive my articles in their inbox on a regular basis. You can also order products at that same home page.

I strongly suspect that my articles criticizing vaccines triggered the censorship move. The justification would be: well, we must protect the health of the public and your influence could be quite negative in that regard, etc. Continue reading Jon Rappoport: THEY TOOK DOWN MY BLOG!

The corrupt vaccine industry has the means and motive to stage a massive false flag “outbreak” to demand nationwide vaccine mandates

Sunday, April 02, 2017 by: Mike Adams

“I predict that because the vaccine industry is losing the public relations war due to accelerating efforts of public education — such as The Truth About Vaccines documentary series that’s about to go public — the vaccine industry is unquestionably plotting to carry out a vaccine false flag “outbreak” and then blame the so-called “anti-vaxxers” for the medical mayhem that follows. This outbreak, in turn, will be used to demand nationwide vaccine mandates that criminalize “anti-vaxxers” and seek to place the government is a position of absolute control over your body.”

Rockefeller University posts Eugenicist / Globalist David’s Death

US billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller dies at 101

“While it is impossible to imagine the University without David, he will live on in every scientific advance and breakthrough made in University laboratories”



“Under his leadership, Chase was the first US bank to open offices in the Soviet Union and China.
In 1974, it was the first to open an office in Egypt after the Suez crisis of 1956.
He was also behind the project that led to the World Trade Center in New York City.
Mr Rockefeller retired in 1981 aged 65
Former President George HW Bush and his wife, Barbara, released a statement saying they were “deeply saddened” by the passing of their “wonderful friend”

He had six children – David Jr, Richard, Abby, Neva, Margaret and Eileen – with his wife Margaret (nee McGrath). She died in 1996.”

See Also: 5 Reasons Billionaire David Rockefeller Won’t Be Missed

Note: This great philanthropist, did not fund the hemp plant as an alternative to OIL for plastics, drugs, energy. He did not explore natural means to boost immunity, he did not explore how to inform the public about the nature of the deceit of debt based money. As an economist did he inform US presidents of the deceit of  central banks? He did not fund the potential exponential gains in solar technology that could have followed the same trajectory as the microprocessor.

In short you could assert that technologies/information that empowered humanity are rejected, ignored by this philanthropist.

What are these globalist getting excited about now? Gene editing and manipulation. Permanent change in the gene pool.

Mark Passio What Is The Religion Of The Globalist Occultists

Note: Mark’s podcast provides insight into the mind of these globalist eugenicists.
It also reveals the refutation of their own religion or belief system.
If they are crass materialists and ruthless social darwinists, why the pretense and adherence to various ritualstic practises? These practise should have no actual effect in a crass materialistic world view! It also further erodes ANY claim of authority or right to rule, leaving only VIOLENCE and DECEIT!