Tag Archives: NATO

10,000 troops from 13 countries arrive in the UK for major exercise

Published 14 March 2019

The UK will boost its defensive capabilities by hosting a major international military exercise for two weeks from 30 March 2019.
More than 10,000 military personnel, 35 warships, 5 submarines and 59 aircraft and helicopters from 13 countries will take part in Exercise Joint Warrior until 11 April.

The aim of Joint Warrior is to allow the UK’s Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and their allies to conduct joint operations involving different forces and units and against a range of current and future threats

There following nations are taking part in Exercise Joint Warrior: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK and the US.

Operation Yellowhammer

“On operation yellowhammer, which is the emergency planning for a no-deal Brexit, it is beyond comprehension that any Prime Minister could knowingly allow the country to be eight days—about 200 hours—away from the possibility of crashing out of the European Union without a deal and to require that emergency planning work to be done”

The First Minister (Nicola Sturgeon) on Yellowhammer

The question I have is: Why commit 10,000 troops during a key period of political change?

We should be leaving the EU at 11pm on Friday 29th and yet we have 10,000 troops in an exercise (cover) from 30th March to 11th April (two weeks)! As UK column pointed out, best to have foreign troops if you need to forcefully crack down on UK populace.

Would you want foreign troops diverting military resources during your contingency planning? Incompetence, over-confidence or worst case planning for unrest?

Western Liars and their “Chemical Weapons” deceit

The Right Honorable Theresa May and Boris Johnson did not provide their evidence for the nerve agent debacle in Salisbury, near Porto Down. It was in line with previous lies about Russian interference in elections.  The new lie, is that Bashar al-Assad’s government used chemical weapons.

Does Assad benefit from using chemical weapons knowing the West will use it as justification for further intervention?  No!

Will the US/UK/Israel/NATO stage “violent acts” to further an agenda? Yes is the answer! The most brazen being 911. We have seen multiple staged events in the UK  and European mainland since then.

Lies and deceit amongst the corporate, political and military leadership in the West can be taken as axiomatic. To profess a value whilst doing the exact opposite. What did we see in the movie Black Panther? An advanced nation sharing its technology and seeking to correct historical mistakes. A direct inversion of the reality of the US, UK, Australia and NATO members.

We can take the West’s humanitarian concern for chemical weapons use, as purely a ploy, a deceit to further their and Israel’s agenda. It is a transparent deceit once you know the “western leadership” cadre are pretentious concerning the “rule of law”.

We know the West (including Israel)  has the inclination, history and motive to stage “terrorists acts” that further their supremacy, so claiming a chemical attack happened is a convenient excuse to coerce public support and project a false moral concern for Syrian citizens.

Reader you will recall the US used Depleted Uranium armaments in Iraq. A hazard to both its own troops and the local population. Does the long term “chemical poisoning” of the land and air by DU weapons concern these Western hypocrites? How about Israel’s continued brutish and genocidal behavior in Gaza? How has intervention and regime change worked out in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya?

I have a few questions whenever I hear about these “humanitarian interventions”: How are these leaders concerned for their own citizens? What are the social conditions for the working class? Does the “humanitarian intervention” provide cover for corporate or geopolitical interests?

The Rt Hon. Theresa May and Boris Johnson fail miserably concerning the well being of the working class and poor in the UK. A festering example?  Nine months after the fire, only 70 of 211 Grenfell families have moved into permanent housing, prompting complaints of apathy and incompetence by the local council

Ministers will face a backlash against reform to the benefits system when millions of claimants moving on to universal credit realise their income will be cut, the government’s most senior welfare adviser has warned

Do we need to comment on how well the bottom 50% of Americans are doing? How about the EU’s concern for its southern members like Greece? How about Israel’s humanitarian concern of the previous dominant inhabitants of Palestine?

We are dealing with proven liars in Trump, May, Macron and Johnson. Believe them at you own peril. It is your fault for accepting their continued deceits.

Here is a further motive: Under the pretense of an “independent” investigation into chemical weapons, intelligence workers pick military sites of interests for “close examination”. Russia has been a victim of this ploy once before. You also have to ask which countries have the expertise to lead this panel of “independent” investigators? Are these not the same countries accusing Syria?

Please dear reader, identify a single country with a proven track record of independence from western ideological supremacy? I cannot name one, so to my mind what is the basis of the “independent” investigation?

Let us state the “international community” is simply a euphemism for coerced western consensus. This blogger asserts that the UN, WHO, World Bank, NATO, BIS are mechanisms of western mind control* and exploitation.

* Yes! Mind control.They have created a fake reality that these bodies are fair, neutral, independent but actually hide very partisan/corporate interests. Let us elaborate on these mind control institutions:
UN – Deceit of international political/diplomatic governance
WHO  – Western hegemony on what constitutes accepted medical practices
NATO -Public face of US lead global military dominance.
BIS/World Bank/IMF – Mechanism global financial control and authority

BrasscheckTV: False Flag Terrorism & the Strategy of Tension

Thanks to Brasscheck TV for this reminder concerning who the “global pirates” fear!

John Judge predicted the future in 1993

John Judge predicted the future in 1993

24 years ago one independent journalist predicted EXACTLY where we’d be today.
Note: The pirates and their political/military dogs in the US/Europe keep pushing the turds of Islamist terrorists , Russia, North Korea and Iran. One bull excrement after another. Let us contrast the hard influence of the US (military bases) in foreign lands with claims of soft Russian influence in elections. Military force (violence) vs lobbying/advertising? Coercion vs persuasion!

Manipulated Images of Manchester 22nd May Bombing

Why is the image manipulated? You can see the backgrounds have been removed Why? If the backgrounds are of the Arena, would that not support their narrative?

An eyewitness reports a red top:
“Emma Johnson…remembered spotting a man wearing an ‘intense’ red top and thought he stood out because a lot of Ariana Grande fans were wearing pink clothes.”

Here is another manipulated image. Take careful note of the shadows under the faces. Only Salman Abedi has his shadow on his right shoulder. All the others in the image have their shadows on their left shoulders. A huge anomaly? Why?


Why are the lights TOTALLY unaffected by the blast. A clear solid line of flourescent lights in the foyer after the bomb blast. Is this not strange? Furthermore with 22 reported deaths and 59 injured, should we NOT see more people being attended to in this picture? Is this really a picture of the bomb scene? The more you think about this image, the stranger it becomes. Why don’t we have more images from the scene? Where is the picture of the damaged floor under the “bomber”? It was “strong” enough to decapitate the “bomber”. In this age of mobile phones, the paucity of images of the immediate scene is strange?
updated 01/06/2017

Manchester UK 22nd May 2017 Bombing- UK Column & Richie Allen

These two outlets are critical of the official story. As I have stated in an earlier post on this topic, the establishment are murderous liars and hence their corporate media output must always be questioned.

An honest review of the actions of the western establishment can only lead to one sad conclusion – deceit, blackmail and murderous violence to aid profit and control!

Holy Roman empire, British Empire, East India Companies, US corporatists, globalists. Profit and control!

This mindset sees no problem lying, commiting fraud to profit from ill health or death induced by vaccines or allopathic interventions like chemotherapy. Nor does it have any moral issues with depleted uranium poisoning of its own troops or the target population. Enumerating the effects of this mindset will be a post for another day.

FBI: Lawless American Cowboys

Note: It is sadly amusing to watch American legislators and Obama expose their lawlessness even further. It is almost like revisiting an old cowboy movie – the fastest, biggest guns win the day. The FBI, a national agency wants to invade any computer globally? Talk about Russian hackers? The UK passed a similar statute in 2016 called the Investigatory Powers bill. Western cowboys – US, UK and NATO – expose the pretensions for the “rule of law”. Legalistic obfuscation and rhetoric cannot hide their lawlessness. Swaggering western cowboys roam the world.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 2016 : Vote BREXIT – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation

This video links multiple threads, Monsanto, GMO, TPP/TTIP, NHS, False flag terror Gladio, EU, CIA, Brexit, World hegemony, NATO, Euro, Greece, Economic repression/warfare, Ukraine, Russia.

Contrast Dr Roberts critique of the EU and Brexit with the sycophants in the remain (IN) campaign below:
Mark Carney, Governor Bank of England
Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert
Martin Krugman, Nobel Prize(?) winning Economist
Billy Gates (Gatinski), BMG Foundation
Richard Branson, Virgin CEO
Lord Alan Sugar, UK Businessman
Steven Hawking
Simon Stevens, NHS England Chief Executive
Angela Merkel, Germany
Barack Obama warmonger, liar
Hilary Clinton warmonger, prolific liar
Shinzo Abe, PM Japan
Malcolm Turnbull, PM Australia
John McCain, warmonger, another prolific liar
John Key, PM New Zealand

…Portugal’s anti-euro Left banned from power


Anibal Cavaco Silva, Portugal’s constitutional president, has refused to appoint a Left-wing coalition government even though it secured an absolute majority in the Portuguese parliament and won a mandate to smash the austerity regime bequeathed by the EU-IMF Troika.

He deemed it too risky to let the Left Bloc or the Communists come close to power, insisting that conservatives should soldier on as a minority in order to satisfy Brussels and appease foreign financial markets. Democracy must take second place to the higher imperative of euro rules and membership.

“In 40 years of democracy, no government in Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces, that is to say forces that campaigned to abrogate the Lisbon Treaty, the Fiscal Compact, the Growth and Stability Pact, as well as to dismantle monetary union and take Portugal out of the euro, in addition to wanting the dissolution of NATO,” said Mr Cavaco Silva.

Note: The west as exporters of democracy by force will not allow a democratic majority in Portugal to reject its top down NATO, EU bankster/globalist friendly directives.

How amusing. It is only a democracy if the plebs vote as planned!

This has implications for the propaganda of western humanitarian interventions for Ebola, terrorism, climate change and the global legal frauds of TPP/TTIP.

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’, & World War III

The US historian Howard Zinn puts it very well: “The so-called war on terrorism is not only a war against innocent people in other countries, but also a war on the people of the United States: a war on our liberties, a war on our standard of living. The wealth of the country is being stolen from the people and handed over to the superrich. The lives of our young are being stolen. And the thieves are in the White House.” Actually the thieves control the White House and have been doing so for a very long time.

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’, & World War III
