Tag Archives: Russia

67th Bilderberg: 30 May – 2 June 2019 in Montreux, Switzerland

Just a note for archival purposes of this event and its attendees. I may post opinions on the topics in later posts.

The key [public] topics for discussion this year are:

1. A Stable Strategic Order
2. What Next for Europe?
3. Climate Change and Sustainability
4. China (Ed note: faux enemy)
5. Russia (Ed note: faux enemy)
6. The Future of Capitalism
7. Brexit
8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
9. The Weaponisation of Social Media (Ed note: censorship/deplatforming)
10. The Importance of Space
11. Cyber Threats

Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Steering Committee; Chairman, Institut Montaigne
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), President, American Friends of Bilderberg Inc.; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Treasurer Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Continue reading 67th Bilderberg: 30 May – 2 June 2019 in Montreux, Switzerland

Andrew Parker, MI5 Director a Barefaced Liar

Note: Are we surprised that this order follower would repeat the lies of his supposed political master “Right Honorable” liar Theresa May. As Director of MI5, can we assume he is aligned with the pretensions of the UK, US, EU, Israel project in the south central Eurasia (Middle East)? Of course!

It becomes very amusing to hear Parker and May accuse Russia of political interference via social media or cyber propaganda. Is that not benign compared to the wanton violence and poisoning inflicted on Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan?

The pretentious western leadership class have no problems interfering in African, Asian or Latin American national interests, actions they accuse Russia of doing.

Hey Andrew Parker, you want to do humanity a favour? Focus your department on rooting out the pedophilic control structure within the UK alongside, exposing the individuals (not corporate names) benefiting from the ownership of the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements.

We can conclude with considerable certainty, that the western leadership class as order followers of capital’s priests and oligarchs are compelled to bare-face lies to further their collective criminal “rule of law” pretentions.

Western Liars and their “Chemical Weapons” deceit

The Right Honorable Theresa May and Boris Johnson did not provide their evidence for the nerve agent debacle in Salisbury, near Porto Down. It was in line with previous lies about Russian interference in elections.  The new lie, is that Bashar al-Assad’s government used chemical weapons.

Does Assad benefit from using chemical weapons knowing the West will use it as justification for further intervention?  No!

Will the US/UK/Israel/NATO stage “violent acts” to further an agenda? Yes is the answer! The most brazen being 911. We have seen multiple staged events in the UK  and European mainland since then.

Lies and deceit amongst the corporate, political and military leadership in the West can be taken as axiomatic. To profess a value whilst doing the exact opposite. What did we see in the movie Black Panther? An advanced nation sharing its technology and seeking to correct historical mistakes. A direct inversion of the reality of the US, UK, Australia and NATO members.

We can take the West’s humanitarian concern for chemical weapons use, as purely a ploy, a deceit to further their and Israel’s agenda. It is a transparent deceit once you know the “western leadership” cadre are pretentious concerning the “rule of law”.

We know the West (including Israel)  has the inclination, history and motive to stage “terrorists acts” that further their supremacy, so claiming a chemical attack happened is a convenient excuse to coerce public support and project a false moral concern for Syrian citizens.

Reader you will recall the US used Depleted Uranium armaments in Iraq. A hazard to both its own troops and the local population. Does the long term “chemical poisoning” of the land and air by DU weapons concern these Western hypocrites? How about Israel’s continued brutish and genocidal behavior in Gaza? How has intervention and regime change worked out in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya?

I have a few questions whenever I hear about these “humanitarian interventions”: How are these leaders concerned for their own citizens? What are the social conditions for the working class? Does the “humanitarian intervention” provide cover for corporate or geopolitical interests?

The Rt Hon. Theresa May and Boris Johnson fail miserably concerning the well being of the working class and poor in the UK. A festering example?  Nine months after the fire, only 70 of 211 Grenfell families have moved into permanent housing, prompting complaints of apathy and incompetence by the local council

Ministers will face a backlash against reform to the benefits system when millions of claimants moving on to universal credit realise their income will be cut, the government’s most senior welfare adviser has warned

Do we need to comment on how well the bottom 50% of Americans are doing? How about the EU’s concern for its southern members like Greece? How about Israel’s humanitarian concern of the previous dominant inhabitants of Palestine?

We are dealing with proven liars in Trump, May, Macron and Johnson. Believe them at you own peril. It is your fault for accepting their continued deceits.

Here is a further motive: Under the pretense of an “independent” investigation into chemical weapons, intelligence workers pick military sites of interests for “close examination”. Russia has been a victim of this ploy once before. You also have to ask which countries have the expertise to lead this panel of “independent” investigators? Are these not the same countries accusing Syria?

Please dear reader, identify a single country with a proven track record of independence from western ideological supremacy? I cannot name one, so to my mind what is the basis of the “independent” investigation?

Let us state the “international community” is simply a euphemism for coerced western consensus. This blogger asserts that the UN, WHO, World Bank, NATO, BIS are mechanisms of western mind control* and exploitation.

* Yes! Mind control.They have created a fake reality that these bodies are fair, neutral, independent but actually hide very partisan/corporate interests. Let us elaborate on these mind control institutions:
UN – Deceit of international political/diplomatic governance
WHO  – Western hegemony on what constitutes accepted medical practices
NATO -Public face of US lead global military dominance.
BIS/World Bank/IMF – Mechanism global financial control and authority

BrasscheckTV: False Flag Terrorism & the Strategy of Tension

Thanks to Brasscheck TV for this reminder concerning who the “global pirates” fear!

John Judge predicted the future in 1993

John Judge predicted the future in 1993

24 years ago one independent journalist predicted EXACTLY where we’d be today.
Note: The pirates and their political/military dogs in the US/Europe keep pushing the turds of Islamist terrorists , Russia, North Korea and Iran. One bull excrement after another. Let us contrast the hard influence of the US (military bases) in foreign lands with claims of soft Russian influence in elections. Military force (violence) vs lobbying/advertising? Coercion vs persuasion!

Unaccountable Bank of International Settlements

Note: We have in the Bank of International Settlements, a body used to hide the transfer of funds from the US and UK to “Nazi” Germany. It cannot be scrutinized by any nation state but holds enormous influence over nations.
In that light India’s demonetization, the drive to cashless economies, demonizing China and Russia, all benefit the financiers and war profiteers.
Oh, almost forgot Bill ‘vaccine pusher’ Gates would love cashless. Does he comprehend the geopolitical deceits? Do you think a billionaire pushing vaccines, over-population, climate change and having direct access to national leaders does not comprehend the deceits? Microsoft was built on deceits!

Public Notice to World Despots: US and UK drop their facade

June 6th 2016
This a public notice to all tinpot dictators labelled as such by the west.

We hereby inform your excellencies that we are dropping any further pretence of being morally superior. We have conceded we are and have been hypocrites of the highest order in our claims of following the “rule of law” or practising “democracy”

We wish to give special notice to the following despots: Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Basher al-Assad of Syria, Kim Jong-II of N. Korea, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Vladimir Putin of Russia and  Teodoro Mbasogo Equitorial Guinea that though they have been singled out for particular notice their actions are in conformity with the corrupt actions of the US and UK over the past 20 years.

To a certain extent we were no longer able to competently maintain the charade, so often we outwitted ourselves and the plebiscites saw behind the curtain.

A case in point is Brexit. The plebs voted to leave the European Union on the 23rd June 2016. We are currently stalling for time to seek ways to invalidate the will of the plebiscites. God knows we will not be asking them any important questions in the future.

We have tried to give Queen Elizabeth II and the Pope the ability to claim ignorance of our deceits and despotism but unfortunately by their ceremonial consents they are complicit in  our despotism masked with displays of “democracy” or pious deference.

It requires less effort and sophistry to be openly corrupt, criminal, duplicitous and murderous in pursuit of our interests and the management of our human income generating stock.

If you seek further evidence of our hypocrisy reflect on our US FBI investigators agreeing that Hilary Clinton was grossly negligent in her duties as foreign secretary however as a member of our network, she will not get even a slap on the wrist or cheek. A “citizen” can expect the  whole statute book to be thrown at them.

We concede that this open display of contempt for “the rule of law” will require overt violence however we have built up the apparatus of the police and surveillance state incrementally whilst the plebiscites were occupied with Game of Thrones, X factor or their favourite sporting spectacle.

We may share some tricks of the trade in state-craft in the event you are bored and decide to practise some sophistry. Take the Chilcot Report, you will note the long duration and polite language for what was really our criminal destruction and exploitation of Iraq. We made sure Right Honourable Anthony Blair is well paid and protected for his good work in furthering our interests.

Another trick of the trade is to make your citizens dependent directly on the state for income or indirectly via state to corporate handouts. The plebiscites will consent to your actions despite knowing better. Scaring them with bogus bogeymen also works, you can position yourself as the strong person protecting the flock.

We know you will find it increasingly difficult to restrain wild laughter whenever we mention “law”, “democracy”, “human rights” however these platitudes sound good on TV and make for fabricated historical records as to current events.

The only thing we fear from the plebiscite, is that enough of them put their petty irritations of race, sexuality, religion aside and focus their time, effort, thoughts and imagination in nullifying our control. It is a fear but very remote as we have spent the past 4 decades poisoning their food and water, misinforming , debilitating their ranks. Our medical wing have created the perfect cover for our eugenics in the vaccine!

It has been rough on you and yes we had to get rid of Saddam and Gaddafi for trying to upset our cartel but that’s water under the bridge, after all we are now openly despotic birds of a feather.

We therefore apologise to all prior tinpot dictators henceforth called His/Her Most Honourable Excellencies.

Let us rule without pretence and enjoy the infinite printing power of our moneyed accomplices.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 2016 : Vote BREXIT – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation

This video links multiple threads, Monsanto, GMO, TPP/TTIP, NHS, False flag terror Gladio, EU, CIA, Brexit, World hegemony, NATO, Euro, Greece, Economic repression/warfare, Ukraine, Russia.

Contrast Dr Roberts critique of the EU and Brexit with the sycophants in the remain (IN) campaign below:
Mark Carney, Governor Bank of England
Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert
Martin Krugman, Nobel Prize(?) winning Economist
Billy Gates (Gatinski), BMG Foundation
Richard Branson, Virgin CEO
Lord Alan Sugar, UK Businessman
Steven Hawking
Simon Stevens, NHS England Chief Executive
Angela Merkel, Germany
Barack Obama warmonger, liar
Hilary Clinton warmonger, prolific liar
Shinzo Abe, PM Japan
Malcolm Turnbull, PM Australia
John McCain, warmonger, another prolific liar
John Key, PM New Zealand

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’, & World War III

The US historian Howard Zinn puts it very well: “The so-called war on terrorism is not only a war against innocent people in other countries, but also a war on the people of the United States: a war on our liberties, a war on our standard of living. The wealth of the country is being stolen from the people and handed over to the superrich. The lives of our young are being stolen. And the thieves are in the White House.” Actually the thieves control the White House and have been doing so for a very long time.

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’, & World War III


A solution for dealing with private debt-creating banksters

The solution for dealing with private debt-creating bankers is simple – there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop any sovereign government from issuing through its treasury its own debt-free and interestfree
money based on nothing more than the wealth and integrity of the nation.
This is the BIG SECRET that the City of London would rather keep to itself and not get out. If this simple fact were to become mainstream then people everywhere would simply walk away and the entire banking system would completely collapse.

Bring Back the Bradbury
Bradbury Pound Ebook
Note: So BRICS -Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa – if you still beholden to the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), you are NOT sovereign!