Tag Archives: WW3

Consenting to Evil: The American 2016 herding

The binary choice between lesser evils is still evil. We look back at the Hitler era and wonder how the educated and cultured germans fell for the ploys of hitler and co. We watch in real-time the corrupt media in lock step sell the turd of Hillary’s presidency. Trump is labeled anti-establishment whilst he has historical links to zionists, jesuits and even the clintons.

The murderous, psycopathic interests that gave us the false flag of 911 would not be threatented by a Trump presidency. Will the CIA, FBI, TSA, CDC, FCC, Federel reserve, BAR members, Papal knights be investigated or removed? Of course not!

The deceits and criminality are etched into many aspects of American life. Twice now the Federal Bereau of Incompetents has given Hillary the all clear. Banana republics and despots will be looking forward with gleefully cynicism to the utterances of the next US president.

Does your vote not give consent to an evil? Hillary’s continuation of Bush and Obama’s global thuggery and theft. Are Trump supporters aware his property empire is predicated on bankster loan frauds (money out of thin air). Will Trump reject the neocons and corporatists advisors?

Neither side cares for truth, as long as their “lesser evil” candidate wins.

African American have been slavish devotion to the Democratic gang and hence Hillary. Will Trump with his autocratic and corporatists tendencies benefit them? Where is the evidence of this in his coporate hiring and tenancy policies?
Is the binary choice an ethical choice? If the large undecided swung to a third party what would that mean? Does that give the reduced winner of the expected binary choice a mandate? No but it sends a clear signal that enough people have NOT been coralled like texas cattle into the Hillary or Trump camps. After that, they set a blaze of local, state activists fires.

Based on turnout at rallies, Trump has beaten Hillary. Will this popular landslide be enough? It is obvious that a computer voting system is open to fraud even with a paper audit trail. Yet this is deemed acceptable by the statists officials. Imagine a swing to a third party, how will that be massaged? What will the polls say?

Whilst we have been distracted by this farce , Obama allows Dakato land grabs, Isreal continues to blockade Gaza, Ethiopia continues killing Oromo people for their land, Syria’s dismemberment continues, Europe’s self inflicted migrant crisis continues, China and Russian continue to be provoked into another nonsensical war caused by lunatics at the helm of power.

Cowboys and cowgirls, herding the cattle! Obama’s “change” rhetoric is all the evidence you need to see the farce!  2008 was the first black president pasture/gambit/scam/con. Now we have the first woman and an ‘anti-establishment’ pastures.