Tag Archives: Vitamin C

Dr David Sinclair – Harvard Prof & Researcher telling LIES about COVID-19

“…only two outcomes in this world scenario either we all get or enough of us get it so it’s roughly 50% of us have gotten it and that’s gonna be terrible

or the vaccine arrives in time to prevent all of that…”

Note: To accuse someone of Lying, I must have evidence. There are multiple fallacies in his interview such as appeals to authority and vague generalisations.
At around 12mins in Dr Sinclair asserts that there are only two solutions: 50% of the world get SARS-nCoV2 or a vaccine.
How do I know he is a LIAR? This CORONAVIRUS can be treated with Vitamin C. If Intravenous Vitamin C can deal with SEPSIS and Pneumonia, then as they say SARS-nCoV2 induces pneumonia, then we have our SAFE, CHEAP solution.
No vaccines required! Millions saved in research grants.
Furthermore he avoids mentioning the impact of nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle in maintaning a strong immune system. He might as well wear a big Pharma tee-shirt.

Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Early use of large dose antioxidants, such as vitamin C (VC) may become an effective treatment for these patients. Clinical studies also show that high-dose oral VC provides certain protection against viral infection. Neither intravenous nor oral administration of high-dose VC is associated with significant side effects. Therefore, this regimen should be included in the treatment of COVID-19 and used as a preventative measure for susceptible populations such as healthcare workers with higher exposure risks.


Vitamin C can help in healing from Coronaviruses Dr. Richard Cheng M.D., Ph. D

Dr. Richard Cheng M.D., Ph. D Says story from a family saved from COVID 19 virus with vitmina C in Wuhan China.
Vitamin C Can help in healing from Coronaviruses

Note: The virus as a smokescreen? Even so the fear of it is real, so there are solutions to the virus. Vitamin C and D! Up yours media and medical mafia! F@#king nazis!

Vitamin D and immunity


Study confirms vitamin D protects against colds and flu

Vitamin D deficiency in adults – treatment and prevention

Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data

Note: Have you noticed the paucity of advice concerning nutrition or supplementation to strengthen the immune system? The official WHO and statists advice is avoidance and hygiene. Nothing, absolutely nothing about diet or supplements!

Also not the irony: Vitamin D is the sunlight vitamin, the outdoor vitamin, however we are told to stay INDOORS to avoide covid-19!

Are these not giveaways as to the sincerity of the medical mafia and their statists accomplices. The Government Chief Scientific Adviser (United Kingdom) is a former Big Pharma (GSK) employee. Impartial, non-corporate friendly advise? You decide!

Vitamin C and Hemorrhagic Viruses (esp Ebola) the “Official” studies

I searched pubmed the commonly used, US hosted repository  of medical studies.
search term: hemorrhagic virus and vitamin c
Outcome: 4 results
Pubmed - vitamin c and hemorraghic viruses
Only 4 results for the Vitamin C and any hemorraghic virus.
Searching specifically for Ebola returned 0 results. Nothing.

However, if we search just for vitamin c and viral infections, we get:
search term: vitamin c viral infections
Outcome: 814 results

Well, let us look at some of the results we did find:

The abstract states:
“In the experiments reported in the present communication it was found that vitamin C, both natural and synthetic preparations, had no effect on the course of experimental poliomyelitis induced by nasal instillation of the virus”

It then ends with:
“During the present investigation it was found that monkeys on a scorbutic  -vitamin C deficient – diet died of spontaneous acute infections, chiefly pneumonia and enterocolitis, while their mates receiving an adequate diet remained well…the vitamin C used in this study was shown to produce healing and calcification in the bones as well as to check the edema and hemorrhagic diathesis”
hemorrhagic diathesis – unusual susceptibility to bleed
The author Sabin AB of Laboratories of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, our favorite globalist with a keen interest in viruses.
So which it Sabin. Severe Vitamin C defiency makes you susceptible to oppurtunistic infections or the scorbutic – severe scurvy – state makes no difference? I smell duplicity.

Vitamin C: intravenous use by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners and adverse effects.
“172 practitioners administered IV vitamin C to 11,233 patients in 2006 and 8876 patients in 2008. Average dose was 28 grams every 4 days, with 22 total treatments per patient. Estimated yearly doses used (as 25 g/50 ml vials) were 318,539 in 2006 and 354,647 in 2008. Manufacturers’ yearly sales were 750,000 and 855,000 vials
…101 had side effects, mostly minor, including lethargy/fatigue in 59 patients, change in mental status in 21 patients and vein irritation/phlebitis in 6 patients.
Publications documented serious adverse events, including 2 deaths in patients known to be at risk for IV vitamin C
“High dose IV vitamin C is in unexpectedly wide use by CAM practitioners. Other than the known complications of IV vitamin C in those with renal impairment or glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, high dose intravenous vitamin C appears to be remarkably safe. Physicians should inquire about IV vitamin C use in patients with cancer, chronic, untreatable, or intractable conditions and be observant of unexpected harm, drug interactions, or benefit”

” Multiple paralytic doses of poliomyelitis virus (RMV strain), when brought together with small amounts of synthetic ascorbic acid in vitro
…the available data suggest that vitamin C treatment may be a factor in converting abortive attacks into an altogether non-paralytic infection”
You will note their words: small amount of synthetic vitamin C. Why synthetic? Why NOT use normal ascorbic acid? My guess, synthetic creations can be patented! Furthermore, the data they reviewed showed vitamin C made subjects only suffer NON-paralyic infection ie no serious or permanent consequence of infection. Truly interesting!
Can we expect funding for vitamin C and Ebola or hemorraghic virues when more profitable and officially approved vaccine solutions are available?
I will pursue this and dig deeper to find more studies on Vitamin C and hemorrhagic viruses non-pubmed sources.

Lying Corporatist dog W.H.O. to Declare New Ebola Emergency

The BBC reports the following:
Ebola outbreak: Grandmother dies in Uganda after DR Congo
Today according to the BBC, the World Health Organization (WHO) will decide if the “outbreak” in DR Congo should now be deemed a global health emergency.

We have Dr Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust, stating it shows “no sign of stopping”.
How did they verify that all 1400 people died of Ebola as they claim? Their golden new test, PCR?
Well, Jon Rappoport has done an excellent job of  exposing the flawed logic of this PCR test. The gold standard of medical tests is fake

If all you can find is a tiny, tiny fragment of what might be a virus, you already know you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Without the PCR, you should be able to establish that millions of a particular virus have invaded the patient’s body.

If you can’t, why bother using the PCR?

We contrast the claim of 1400 Ebola “deaths” with the estimated 4-5 thousand dead between 2016 and 2017 due to the resource confict in the area. How many have died since the resource conflicts began? Estimates are disputed but they all agree on the magnitude. 3 million? 5 million? 7 million? Millions have died.

We can clearly debunk the pretence to care for the well-being of Africans in DR Congo or East Africa.

Furthermore there is another dirty little secret that the lying, murderous, profiteering global medical cartel are hiding. Hemorrhagic viruses induce acute scurvy. What is the cure for scurvy? Vitamin C.

Nurse Pineo, the first white that survived the Lassa fever (another hemorrhagic fever) outbreak in Lassa, was, on her own, taking vitamins (Fuller, JG. Fever. Reader’s Digest Press. 1974.) Of course that was ignored and they used her convalescent serum for subsequent cases of Lassa fever in medical personnel. Why not give subsequent cases vitamins also? Maybe especially massive doses of vitamin C – to prevent the acute induced scurvy.

Because there is a breakdown of the blood vessels, it might be helpful to give a couple of grams of bioflavonoids and a multiple vitamin every day. Oh! but I forgot, these are not patentable so not profitable to the drug industry.

So, we await the W.H.O.re declaring a new Ebola Emergency to push their patented vaccines. The numbers of deaths are suspect, their claim to care is a lie and their solution – vaccines- another filthy lie.

Twitter launches new search tool to combat vaccine misinformation

vaccine injection-norbert millauer-afp-getty
Twitter has launched a new search tool to combat the spread of misinformation about vaccines on the social network.
Users will now be prompted to visit a credible public health resource when they search on Twitter for certain keywords related to vaccines, Twitter said in a blog post Friday. In the US, Twitter has partnered with the Department of Health and Human Services to direct users to the agency’s Vaccines.gov.
A search for the word “vaccines,” for example, generates a message at the top of users’ feeds that says “To make sure you get the best information on vaccinations, resources are available from the US Department of Health & Human Services.”
The new tool comes as tech companies face mounting pressure from lawmakers, activists and health experts to prevent anti-vax misinformation from going viral. The misinformation may have contributed to an outbreak of measles in the US.
Other tech companies have also beefed up their efforts to combat misinformation about vaccines. Facebook said in March it would demote the ranking of groups or pages that spread misinformation about vaccines on its News Feed and in search results. Pinterest blocked anti-vaccination searches and has tried to pull down anti-vax content. In February, YouTube said it would remove ads from videos that feature anti-vaccination content.

Note: Do these pro-vaxxers think this will stop criticism of vaccines? Their attempts at censorship on social media (modern book burning), simply highlight their “faith” in vaccines. Real science is NEVER afraid of criticism.

Here is a question for the pro-vaxxers and their drug pushing Big Pharma corporatists: How many vaccines is too many for a child/teenager? 50 before age 16? 100 maybe? What is the upper, sustainable limit? At what number does the toxic/foreign body load become counter-productive?

WRH – Corning Gorilla Glass with anti-bacterial properties

Even as the FDA threatens sellers of nano-silver for claiming their products are anti-bacterial, Corning creates a new glass for smartphones and tablets that uses nano-silver as an anti-bacterial!

Beautiful and reproducible test!
Does the Silver ion glass reduce bacterial activity? Yes or No?
Can Silver ions be ingested safely? Yes or No?
As we are doing NO harm – Hippocratic oath – with Silver, can we test it as a possible solution to Ebola?

The answer? of course NOT! The global pharma fraud must be maintained.