Tag Archives: Rest

Vitamin D and immunity


Study confirms vitamin D protects against colds and flu

Vitamin D deficiency in adults – treatment and prevention

Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data

Note: Have you noticed the paucity of advice concerning nutrition or supplementation to strengthen the immune system? The official WHO and statists advice is avoidance and hygiene. Nothing, absolutely nothing about diet or supplements!

Also not the irony: Vitamin D is the sunlight vitamin, the outdoor vitamin, however we are told to stay INDOORS to avoide covid-19!

Are these not giveaways as to the sincerity of the medical mafia and their statists accomplices. The Government Chief Scientific Adviser (United Kingdom) is a former Big Pharma (GSK) employee. Impartial, non-corporate friendly advise? You decide!