Tag Archives: Sierra Leone

Special report: Ebola’s thin harvest


“Since 29 November, not a single new Ebola case has been reported in Guinea, Sierra Leone, or Liberia. If no new cases pop up, the world will be able to declare on 14 January that the 2-year Ebola epidemic has ended at last, after more than 28,600 cases and 11,300 deaths.

Victory would also mean the end of an unprecedented era in Ebola research. The tragedy offered a unique opportunity: Never before had the disease affected enough people to allow researchers to test Ebola drugs and vaccines in a real-world setting. As the number of cases exploded in mid-2014, they set in motion a vast research program that operated at breakneck speed.

But the harvest of that massive effort is thin.

The biggest success so far is a vaccine produced by Merck. A 31 July report in The Lancet  documented remarkable effectiveness in a real-world trial in Guinea. But all other results have yet to appear in the scientific literature. And a careful examination of the data so far—supported by dozens of interviews with the leaders of the studies and other Ebola experts—makes it clear that almost every other trial seems destined to end in questionable results or outright failure. Findings from those that have ended are proving difficult to publish in top-tier journals.”

Note: Personally, “Ebola” was a sickening awakening to the massive global interconnected fraud that is pharma and the vaccine peddling national and supranational bodies.

WHO:Ebola outbreak over in Liberia; West Africa is at zero, but new flare-ups are likely to occur

14 January 2016

Today WHO declares the end of the most recent outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia and says all known chains of transmission have been stopped in West Africa. But the Organization says the job is not over, more flare-ups are expected and that strong surveillance and response systems will be critical in the months to come.

This date marks the first time since the start of the epidemic 2 years ago that all 3 of the hardest-hit countries—Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone—have reported 0 cases for at least 42 days. Sierra Leone was declared free of Ebola transmission on 7 November 2015 and Guinea on 29 December.

WHO Vaccine trials boast: 10yrs to 12months


WHO Vaccine boast
WHO facilitated the accelerated search for safe and effective vaccines, resulting in vaccine development in less than 12 months versus 10+ years.

In July 2015, WHO announced the results of an interim analysis of a Phase III efficacy trial for the Ebola vaccine VSV-EBOV conducted in Guinea. Preliminary results suggest that the vaccine is highly effective. The trial was extended to Sierra Leone.

WHO, the Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN), and partners have evaluated novel diagnostic assays for the detection of EVD. Six diagnostic assays have been approved for UN procurement.

Clinical trials using convalescent whole blood and convalescent plasma from survivors have been limited to fewer than 100 patients, but have shown that blood and plasma collection can be safe and feasible in the context of an Ebola outbreak. WHO supported strengthening national blood transfusion services for the purpose of safely administering convalescent whole blood and plasma products from Ebola survivors to Ebola patients.

In addition, experts have reviewed and identified a few medicines and drugs – out of hundreds of recommendations – for use in treating Ebola patients or for further clinical studies. These include: ZMapp – a monoclonal antibody cocktail; favipiravir – a small-molecule antiviral; and several small-molecule antivirals with potent anti-Ebola virus activity. All continue to be tested for safety and efficacy.”

BLM and Deals for Chinese Investors…

Published on 13 Apr 2014
Fabian Calvo from TheNoteHouse.us says, “Real investors are scared to death of the imploding U.S. dollar. . . . Not everybody is a gold investor, and real estate is a tangible hard asset that can be rented out. I think home prices could go up until we have another full blown collapse…”

As far as the recent crisis between the federal government and the Bundy ranch in Nevada, Calvo says, “I think this Bundy ranch situation could be the Lexington and Concord of the Second American Revolution. Through the BLM, the Department of the Interior has been confiscating land and going after land . . . The Department of Interior and BLM has been providing sweetheart deals for Chinese investors.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Fabian Calvo from TheNoteHouse.us.

Note: Thanks to fellow bloggers and the alternative (truth) media

How BLM sells out America’s land to foreign interests

(NaturalNews) A real estate expert says he thinks the recent standoff between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy is not about grazing rights or the endangerment of the desert tortoise but about “sweetheart deals” for the development of federal land.

Fabian Calvo, in an interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.org, said his firm, TheNoteHouse.us, does $100 million a year in sales of mortgages and distressed notes, and that the “hair on the back of [his] neck stood up” when he was researching the situation surrounding Bundy and the BLM.

‘I have a laundry list of deals approved just in the last year’

“The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I was doing research for this and speaking to some of my contacts on Wall Street,” Calvo said. “The BLM is part of the Department of the Interior, and look at what they have been doing? [sic] Through the BLM, the Department of the Interior has been confiscating land and going after land, for example, in the high desert in California and all over the place.”

Calvo said some were telling him that the BLM was categorizing Bundy’s land for future collateralization or to sell it outright.

“In the Weimar (Germany) hyperinflation, after the hyperinflation, what did they back their currency with? They backed it with mortgages and they backed it with land. This is a total possibility here in America, but here’s the part that is more sinister and crazy,” Calvo said. “The Department of the Interior and BLM have been providing sweetheart deals for Chinese investors. I have a laundry list of deals that have been approved just in the last year.”

Note: The theft and sale of land rampant in Africa is also occuring in America. BLM land grabs look very much like Oromia land grabs in Ethiopia. The billionaire-investor or pirate class with their abstraction called “money” have an unlimited to supply to bribe, cajole, buy or forcefully acquire real, life sustaining assets like farmland. In this the Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Khazarians (false semites), US, European, Latin American corporate pirates or oligarchal families have common interests. Convert the fiction into tangible assets – LAND!

WHO – Ebola Situation Report – 30 December 2015


Ebola Situation Report 30 December 2015

  • No confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the week to 27 December. On 29 December, WHO declared that human-to-human transmission of Ebola virus has ended in Guinea, after the completion of 42 days with zero cases since the last person confirmed to have EVD received a second consecutive negative blood test for Ebola virus RNA. Guinea has now entered a 90-day period of heightened surveillance.
  • Human-to-human transmission linked to the most recent cluster of cases in Liberia will be declared to have ended on 14 January 2016, 42 days after the 2 most-recent cases received a second consecutive negative test for Ebola virus, if no further cases are reported. In Sierra Leone, human-to-human transmission linked to the primary outbreak was declared to have ended on 7 November 2015. The country has now entered a 90-day period of enhanced surveillance scheduled to conclude on 5 February 2016.
Country Case definition Cumulative cases Cases in past 21 days Cumulative deaths
Guinea# Confirmed 3351 0 2083
Probable 453 * 453
Suspected 0 *
Total 3804 0 2536
Liberia Confirmed 3151
Probable 1879
Suspected 5636
Total 10 666 4806
Liberia** Confirmed 9 0 3
Probable * *
Suspected *
Total 9 0 3
Sierra Leone§ Confirmed 8704 0 3589
Probable 287 * 208
Suspected 5131 * 158
Total 14 122 0 3955
Total Confirmed 15 215 0
Probable 2619 *
Suspected 10 767 *
Total 28 601 0 11 300

See notes here: WHO Sitrep 30 Dec 2015

WHO – Ebola Situation Report – 18 November 2015

http://apps.who.int/ebola/current-situation/ebola-situation-report-18-november-2015WHO - Ebola Situation Report - 18 November 2015

Guinea reported no confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the week to 15 November. The most recent case from Guinea was reported on 29 October
Total official global “Ebola” Deaths to date: 11,314.



Case definition Cumulative cases Cases in past 21 days Cumulative deaths
Guinea Confirmed 3351 1 2083
Probable 453 * 453
Suspected 0 *
Total 3804 1 2536
Liberia§ Confirmed 3151
Probable 1879
Suspected 5636
Total 10 666 4806
Liberia** Confirmed 6 0 2
Probable * *
Suspected *
Total 6 0 2
Sierra Leone Confirmed 8704 0 3589
Probable 287 * 208
Suspected 5131 * 158
Total 14 122 0 3955
Total Confirmed 15 212 1
Probable 2619 *
Suspected 10 767 *
Total 28 598 1 11 299

West African governments must integrate trained Ebola responders into community-based health systems


GENEVA, Switzerland, November 9, 2015/APO (African Press Organization)/ —

With the WHO declaration that the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Sierra Leone has now ended, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is calling upon all West African countries affected by the epidemic to integrate trained responders into their community-based health systems.

“Ebola-affected countries face many challenges in strengthening their healthcare systems,” said Alasan Senghore, IFRC director, Africa region. “Trained Red Cross volunteers have transferrable skills which can be used in future disease outbreaks. We call on the governments of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to integrate these workers into community health systems as they begin to recover.”

Through its Community Events-Based Surveillance programme, the Red Cross in Sierra Leone has trained over 2,000 community-based volunteers to act as an early-warning system for Ebola and other epidemics. This engagement and surveillance at the community level, which will continue beyond the end of the epidemic, will strengthen the country’s response capacity and mitigate the human and economic impact of future outbreaks.

Since the start of the outbreak 20 months ago, more than 10,000 Red Cross volunteers have played a critical role in getting to zero cases, conducting safe and dignified burials, contact tracing, psychosocial support, surveillance and social mobilization, as well as operating two treatment centres.

“Our volunteers are among the many heroes of this operation,” said Senghore. “They were accused of spreading the virus and causing deaths. Some were verbally and physically threatened. Many were banned from their own communities. Yet, they never wavered in their commitment to rid their countries of this hideous virus.”

As the outbreak in Sierra Leone ends, the IFRC recognizes its responsibility to ensure that those who helped fight the virus are well supported as they reintegrate back into their communities.

“We have a duty to ensure that our frontline volunteers, who risked their lives to rid Sierra Leone of Ebola, do not suffer long term effects as a result of their heroic actions,” said Senghore. “Many responders continue to face stigmatization because of the invaluable role they played in ending the Ebola outbreak. We cannot abandon them now, and call on our partners to help us, help them.”

One project has already been established to facilitate the reintegration of 800 Red Cross Ebola workers in Sierra Leone. The joint 1.8 million Swiss franc project with UNDP aims to reskill frontline Ebola responders through scholarships, business empowerment grants, vocational training and career mentoring. Ongoing psychosocial support will continue to be provided, to help responders cope with any stigma they may face.

“It may be challenging for them to find a new job or return to school. This joint project with our partners at UNDP will help make that transition as smooth as possible,” added Senghore.

A similar project with UNDP is also planned when the Ebola outbreak ends in Guinea, which continues to report fewer than ten confirmed cases a month.

In Liberia, Red Cross volunteers received a negotiated package to assist them as they integrated into new employment, when the outbreak was declared over in September.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

WHO – Sierra Leone stops transmission of Ebola virus

Freetown, 7 November 2015 – Today, the World Health Organization declares that Ebola virus transmission has been stopped in Sierra Leone. Forty-two days, that is two Ebola virus incubation cycles, have now passed since the last person confirmed to have Ebola virus disease had a second negative blood test.

“Since Sierra Leone recorded the first Ebola case in May 2014, a total number of 8,704 people were infected and 3,589 have died, 221 of them healthcare workers, all of whom we remember on this day” said Dr Anders Nordström, WHO Representative in Sierra Leone.

The country now enters a 90-day period of enhanced surveillance which will run until 5 February 2016 and WHO will continue to support Sierra Leone during this period. This new phase is critical for ensuring early detection of any possible new cases of Ebola virus disease.

The World Health Organization commends the Government of Sierra Leone and her people on achieving this significant milestone in the country’s fight against Ebola. Sierra Leone achieved this milestone through tremendous hard work and commitment while battling the most unprecedented Ebola virus disease outbreak in human history.

The strong leadership of the Sierra Leone Government, working with partners from around the globe, mobilized the necessary expertise needed to contain the outbreak. Sierra Leone experienced a massive rise in cases in September and October 2014 which was curbed by putting in place treatment facilities, setting up safe and dignified burial teams and working with communities to identify and stop Ebola.

The use of rapid response teams and strong community involvement became the cornerstone of the national response strategy.  International partners supported the government to maintain a rapid response capacity to detect, identify and shut down any new transmission chains, and also contributed technical assistance, personnel, food, supplies and equipment.

The Ebola outbreak has decimated families, the health system, the economy and social structures. All need to recover. It has also left an estimated 4,000 survivors who have ongoing health problems who need medical care and social support.

WHO will maintain an enhanced staff presence in Sierra Leone during this transition from outbreak control, to enhanced vigilance, to the recovery of essential health services.

“We now have a unique opportunity to support Sierra Leone to build a strong and resilient public health system ready to detect and respond to the next outbreak of disease, or any other public health threat.” said Dr Nordström.

WHO – Ebola Situation Report – 4 November 2015


Ebola Situation Report - 4 November 2015

  • One new confirmed case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) was reported from Guinea in the week to 1 November. The case is the newborn child of a 25-year-old woman who was confirmed as a case in the prefecture of Forecariah during the previous week…
  • Case incidence has remained at 5 confirmed cases or fewer per week for 14 consecutive weeks…
Country Case definition Cumulative cases Cases in past 21 days Cumulative deaths
Guinea Confirmed 3351 7 2083
Probable 453 * 453
Suspected 6 *
Total 3810 7 2536
Liberia§ Confirmed 3151
Probable 1879
Suspected 5636
Total 10 666 4806
Liberia** Confirmed 6 0 2
Probable * *
Suspected *
Total 6 0 2
Sierra Leone Confirmed 8704 0 3589
Probable 287 * 208
Suspected 5098 * 158
Total 14 089 0 3955
Total Confirmed 15 212 7
Probable 2619 *
Suspected 10 740 *
Total 28 571 7 11 299