Tag Archives: Population control

An alternative viewpoint on “Zika”



They are now fronting brain damage caused by a newly formulated Tdap vaccine as a “Zika virus outbreak”. Problem: The Zika virus, which has been known about for 70 years, has never done anything to babies while the mother was pregnant. Zika results in a mild cold and is all over the world now doing nothing to anyone with a mortality rate of ZERO.
QUESTION: why did it suddenly blow the brains out of thousands of babies in ONE LOCATION – Brazil in the past two months alone when ZERO reported cases of this outcome have ever been recorded prior?
ANSWER: Because a new Tdap vaccine, which was spawned to destroy babies before they were born rather than after birth (due to the new awareness that autism is caused by intentionally destructive vaccines) was launched in Brazil in May of 2015. Gates&Cohorts now need a scapegoat to pin the damage on, and “ZIKA” sounded spooky enough.

Brazilian Shrunken Head Babies: Zika or Tdap?

In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil

“Unsurprisingly, the Brazilian government announced on January 15, 2016 it will direct funds to a biomedical research center (Sao Paulo-based Butantan Institute) to help develop a vaccine against Zika. Development of the vaccine is expected to take 3-5 years. Again, no consideration to the irony that you may be developing a vaccine to address a problem that may have been CAUSED by a vaccine, and that that new vaccine may COMPOUND the problem No consideration to the possibility that the answer to the problem may not be to do MORE, but rather to do LESS (simply STOP giving Tdcap to pregnant women).”

Note: We have two things worth noting, GM mosquito trials and the use of a new TDAP vaccine in Brazil. The medical records of the affected babies and their mothers will show directly the causal link between TDAP vaccines and microcephaly. If all the mothers of the affected babies had the new TDAP vaccine, we have a direct causal link and can discount “Zika” virus.
Zika is being used to justify further research by the synthetic biologists  – Oxitec/Brazil – and birth control – do NOT get pregant during the “Zika pandemic”.
updated 27/01/2016

Bilderbergers leaving Austria 2015

Note: Odd that these “leaders” do not want to be on camera, you would think they were leaving a brothel or drug den. Of course all this secrecy is in our interests, eh?  A bit like TPP, TTIP, and TISA.

Bilderberg Globalist 2015

Note: Voting on Obama trade (TPP/TTIP) on the same weekend of Bilderberg meeting. Interesting!
Would have been nice to confirm the deal at your weekend meeting, huh Obama?
In the context of slavery, Obama would have been an active participant in the trade.
Knowing, active compliance in the psychopathic plans of his fellow “ruling turds”!

Rima E. Laibow: “Vaccines Are A Complete Fraud. Don’t Poison Your Child!”

Note: Rima, after posting that cultural analysis, I had “cowpox” myself with a booster shot of your factual critique of vaccines.

Moving away from corporate/central food production

Published on May 15, 2014
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ visits the Aquaponic Place in Waimanalo, Hawaii to share with you what exactly is Aquaponics, and how it works. You will discover the key element to a successful aquaponics system, and its more than just the fish and the plants. You will also learn some of the different vegetables, fruits, and herbs that can be grown under aquaponics. You will discover a unique way for starting seed under aquaponics as well as watering baby plants automatically. You will learn what a bell siphon and how it operates without any power… After watching this episode you will have a really good understanding of how an aquaponics system works and why you may want to use it at home to grow some of your own food including vegetables and fish.
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens

Note: Food dependency for corporate profit and government control. vs self reliance and responsibility. Imagine a nation that encourages self reliance with Aquaponics. The world needs GMO? Emphatically not!

Nice mode Off: A simple solution exposes the poverty of thought and the agenda of the bull turd foundation owners, corporate CEO liars and  messenger boy presidents and prime ministers sucking on Pharma, Biotech, Agri, Oil, military and Banksters money.

A single cartel for the whole planet: Matrixology 101


One world, one money system, one army, one intelligence agency, one medical system… it’s the Globalist wet dream. Their moves in this direction meet with opposition. It’s not a slam-dunk. Two steps forward, one step back. But on the whole, they’re gaining ground.

The ideal for them is: corporation-government nexus; larger cartels; integration of those cartels into a single whole.

VACCINES ARE THEY REALLY SAFE: Are They Really Safe and Effective?

Can mandatory vaccines trigger developmental disorders and autoimmune diseases? Does the US government secretly calculate how many people will be permanently disabled and killed from vaccines? Did AIDS originate in diseased monkey organs used to incubate polio vaccines? Are new viruses tested on unsuspecting vaccine recipients? How safe is your child from the near and long-term effects of these ‘miracle’ shots? Are vaccines really safe and effective? Read what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have to say. Find out what independent researchers have discovered. And listen to distraught mothers testifying before Congress regarding vaccine injury compensation. Then, you be the judge. This comprehensive book is packed with hundreds of important facts and figures. It includes 30 diagrams and more than 900 citations so that all of the information may be confirmed. As a concerned parent, you may then make an informed and responsible decision regarding the benefits and risks of vaccinating your child.

Ucadia vs. Illuminati and Global Elite – Part 1 Inventory of Who is Who and What is What?


So by “Illuminati:, I mean the 300 or so First Class members or Knights of Justice of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, or “Sovereign Military Knights of Malta” for short; and the 800 or so Second Class members or Knights and Dames of Honor, or Grace in Devotion and Obedience; and the 12,000 or so Third Class members of Knights and Dames and others of various categories; and finally those few hundred thousand members of orders, fraternities and bodies whose leaders are recognized as Third Class members. This is definitively what is properly called the “Illuminati” – not as a myth, not as a legend but as a real body connecting all relevant groups of the planet together in a military and religious fraternal hierarchy. A hierarchy of some 150,000 to 300,000 people that connects all major political leaders, all key military leaders, all main religious leaders of all major religions (including Hinduism, Islam and Judaism), all key industry leaders and entrepreneurs, all leading judges and academics, all key scientists and professionals and all leading artists, actors and respected philosophers.

Ucadia vs. Illuminati and Global Elite – Part 1 Inventory of Who is Who and What is What?
Ucadia vs. Illuminati and Global Elite – Part 2 And the Origin of the Species and Source of Elite Power

US FoodAid – 58.6% spent on Red Tape according to Oxfam


Note: The systemic issues underlying poverty, inequality like education, health, corruption, legislation (red tape) and outright corporate fraud as seen in Mining, Oil, Banking, Pharma and Biotech all ignored for the fairy panacea of vaccines and GMO.
Why mining and Oil? The extractive industries are special in their ability to foster the protection of “national interests” and therefore rapacious practices.
TTIP and TPP are further examples of entrenching psychopathic corporate greed and control over people via government violence – global fascism.