Tag Archives: AID

Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future

Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future

Some £600 million in UK aid money courtesy of the taxpayer is helping big business increase its profits in Africa via the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. In return for receiving aid money and corporate investment, African countries have to change their laws, making it easier for corporations to acquire farmland, control seed supplies and export produce.

Last year, Director of the Global Justice Now Nick Dearden said:

“It’s scandalous that UK aid money is being used to carve up Africa in the interests of big business. This is the exact opposite of what is needed, which is support to small-scale farmers and fairer distribution of land and resources to give African countries more control over their food systems. Africa can produce enough food to feed its people. The problem is that our food system is geared to the luxury tastes of the richest, not the needs of ordinary people. Here the British government is using aid money to make the problem even worse.”

Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Nigeria, Benin, Malawi and Senegal are all involved in the New Alliance

To see this in action, we need look no further to a conference held on Monday 23 March in London, organised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This secretive, invitation-only meeting with aid donors and big seed companies discussed a strategy to make it easier for these companies to sell patented seeds in Africa and thus increase corporate control of seeds
Full Article: Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future

Note: Ethiopian statists are currently stealing Oromo land, Burkina Faso has French and US military fighting the terrorist bogeyman al-whatever-we-want-to-call-it, Nigeria has Bogus Haram.
I am contemptous of these “terror” groups as their actions progress statist/pirate interests! Furthermore with the outsourcing of murder by the Statists and corporate pirates to mercenaries it requires little imagination to envision convenient acts of terror.
This is the context within which to view the “humanitarian” Ebola and vaccinations projects ongoing in Africa. You are free to believe that the monopolistic psychotic corporate pirates and their statists legal covermen care for humanity.

Eugenicist Jonas Salk (developer of the polio vaccine) in his own words

“The survival of the wisest…those who understand the processes of nature and understand the evolutionary process…”

Self defined and anointed! Understand the process of nature? Vague…technical or philosophical?
Ah, as a virologist he understand bio-science – nature. He must be amongst the wise.